A Message From Mom For Y'all & A Smoked Meatloaf (Long Read & Some Pics)

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Whew....the past couple of weeks have been an absolute whirlwind. As some of you know, my only sibling has taken it upon himself to rid mom of pretty much everything: all of her money and almost everything of value she owned. For several months she has had no means to pay her bills or buy food. She had been living off one leftover meal a day that one of the neighbors brought her and living like a pauper after an entire life of working...then ending up with nothing. I'd been hinting at her coming to TX for a long time but there's no pressuring her. She is independent, proud, and there was no way I was going to compromise that or her dignity by pushing her into it. It was a decision she had to make on her own. She called me a little over two weeks ago and asked if I could come get her and move her down here from Northern VA. Two days later I was on a plane to do just that. Got her here after a horrific drive in a dilapidated old U-Haul truck and she was in love the second we pulled into the driveway. It took about 3 seconds for her to feel comfortable and at home. Tracy and I have since then made sure that she has everything she needs to be happy and she's happier than ever, loving the environment, the patio (which she now calls home), and the scenery....oh and the food I've been cooking for her :emoji_wink: Now to the part about the message. She has never owned a computer or a cell phone but had friends that have clued her in on Internet sites like FB and a few others which don't exactly have the best of reputations. Needless to say, there was a very negative impression she had about forums and newsgroups. When we got home I opened the thread I posted about the situation and she was completely blown away by the outpouring of support from all of you. Literally, she was standing here crying as I read the replies to that thread. It was pretty amazing that so many people whom I've never met showed so much support for the situation. She asked me to convey a huge THANK YOU to each and every one of you for all the prayers, support, and well-wishes. It all meant more to her than I can possibly express.

Now to the meal. One thing she asked from me is to cook some nice stuff for her once in a while. Gee....no doubt that this was gonna happen :emoji_laughing: We have had several really nice meals but I've just been too bust to take pics of them all and document them. This one however I did manage to take pics as I went and it came out really well. Meatloaf was a staple growing up but it was kinda boring and not one of my favorites. I've started making them my way recently and have a whole new attitude about them. She asked for it one night last week so I did. A taste of home...Southern comfort food. Simple, well prepared, and delish.

She asked me to get this pic if I could. Was a bit tricky at 85 miles an hour. Had do duck between a couple of 18-wheelers and hope to get the shot without smashing into anybody :emoji_laughing:
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Getting it all together. A pound of 80/20 CPB ground beef, a pound of my sweet Italian sausage, bread crumbs, celery, red bell pepper, one egg, bread crumbs, and some seasonings.
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Mix it all up and loaf my meat. Seasoned with a sprinkle of my beef rub.
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Onto the Hy Fyre at 200* running pecan.
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Mom had never seen a smoker at work nor had she ever seen TBS. This was quite the experience for her.
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At the 90 minute mark I basted with a glaze I made using beef gravy, beef broth, rum, and another dose of my beef rub.
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She loves green beans but for many years it's only been from a can. Did some fresh beans for her in the steamer with homemade bacon crumbles.
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Meatloaf all done and ready to slice. Pulled at an IT of 165*.
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Sliced and looking really good. Hey Eric ( SmokinEdge SmokinEdge ) do you see something really pretty here?? :emoji_wink:
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Plated up with some homemade sour cream, garlic, and chive mashed potatoes, beef gravy, and the beans. Weather is finally cooling down a bit so dinner on the patio.
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Here ya go David ( DRKsmoking DRKsmoking ) and Jim (@JLeonard)
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And mom chowing down.
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Yes folks, it's been quite the ordeal but mom is happier than she's ever been. Nice surroundings, people who love her and care about her, good food, and a fat dog to dote on. After months of not eating she is now starting to gain some much needed weight and her strength is coming back in a hurry. Happy, healthy, and loaded with everything she could ever need or want. The original plan was to sell her house and move her into an assisted living facility (her request) but after being here a week we all talked about it and decided she would rather stay with us for as long as we can care for her....which does not take much. She is still very independent and pretty much takes care of herself and is a dream to have around. We've had a few friends over and all have fallen in love with her. Now she feels even more grounded here having friends and not still being in a holding pattern waiting to move again into an assisted living facility. Within less than a week of signing the listing agreement to sell the house, we got two solid offers, one of which has been accepted and closing is next week....for more than $35K over what we were willing to accept. That is a HUGE win for her and when closed, it will give her a sense of having something again after a lifetime of work then ending up totally broke. Life is good and God is smiling on her!!

I've rambled long enough. Thanks once again to all of you who showed such an amazing outpouring of love and support. SMF remains the absolute best forum on the planet and it's because of you all.


Robert...first of all, that meal looked terrific! Mrs. Red and I love a good smoked meatloaf just about as much as anything I smoke! Top notch, Brother!

I guess I missed the back story about your mom's misfortunes. I'm sure sorry to hear of her troubles! It always hurts my heart to hear stories of our older generation suffering - especially after a lifetime of hard work and good deeds - and at the hands of a family member, no less! Her Golden Years are the time in life that things should get easier - not harder!

In the end, I'm happy to hear that your mom's story has a happy ending! Good on you and Tracy for being there for her. Sounds like all's well that ends well!

I can relate to your story on a personal level. It's remarkable that we have similar situations...

I also have a brother, who spent a majority of his life taking advantage of our late parents. He sponged off them for years - an able-bodied, middle aged man with no job, living expense-free in their home until the day mom died.

Mrs. Red's mother is now our only living parent. She still lives in the home Janet grew up in, 2 hours' drive away from us. For a couple years now we've been trying to convince her to move up here to live with us. She's been rather stubborn about it - she's independent much like your mother is. But lately she's starting to soften on the idea. She's lonesome in that house alone, and too far away if there was an emergency for us to get to her if she needed us. Janet has gotten more worried about her falling or getting sick - she's in her mid 80's - with nobody close by to help her is she needed it.

Sorry...didn't mean to hijack the thread with my own stuff - it just struck me that we have such things in common.

Again...I'm very happy to know that your mother is finally getting her just rewards for a life well-lived! I hope she lives out the rest of her life full of peace, love and happiness - and I'm positive that's just what she's getting from you and Tracy!

Been following this from the first post Robert. Reading this brings on a few tears of pure joy to learn that everything has turned out so well and it all is attributed to you & Tracy doing the right thing. Tell Mom, Cyd & I are very glad to know she's doing so well... and a bit jealous for all the great meals she's going to have. :emoji_slight_smile:

My hat is off to you brother!
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Robert I'm very happy to hear your mother is settling in so well but I kind of figured she would once you got her there and she could take it all in. I'm sure those meals your fixing her aren't a problem for her either lol. The meatloaf and plate of food looked outstanding. Be sure your sibling has no way in he!! of getting any of the proceeds from the sale of her house.
It is good to read about someone doing the right thing. It sucks with what she had to deal with before now but at least she is now in comfort and enjoying her new scenery.
Wow! What a story! Sadly I can relate to it. Absolutely awesome from you and family to step up and be able to help. Love a happy ending. Wishing mom all the best.
Whew....the past couple of weeks have been an absolute whirlwind. As some of you know, my only sibling has taken it upon himself to rid mom of pretty much everything: all of her money and almost everything of value she owned. For several months she has had no means to pay her bills or buy food. She had been living off one leftover meal a day that one of the neighbors brought her and living like a pauper after an entire life of working...then ending up with nothing. I'd been hinting at her coming to TX for a long time but there's no pressuring her. She is independent, proud, and there was no way I was going to compromise that or her dignity by pushing her into it. It was a decision she had to make on her own. She called me a little over two weeks ago and asked if I could come get her and move her down here from Northern VA. Two days later I was on a plane to do just that. Got her here after a horrific drive in a dilapidated old U-Haul truck and she was in love the second we pulled into the driveway. It took about 3 seconds for her to feel comfortable and at home. Tracy and I have since then made sure that she has everything she needs to be happy and she's happier than ever, loving the environment, the patio (which she now calls home), and the scenery....oh and the food I've been cooking for her :emoji_wink: Now to the part about the message. She has never owned a computer or a cell phone but had friends that have clued her in on Internet sites like FB and a few others which don't exactly have the best of reputations. Needless to say, there was a very negative impression she had about forums and newsgroups. When we got home I opened the thread I posted about the situation and she was completely blown away by the outpouring of support from all of you. Literally, she was standing here crying as I read the replies to that thread. It was pretty amazing that so many people whom I've never met showed so much support for the situation. She asked me to convey a huge THANK YOU to each and every one of you for all the prayers, support, and well-wishes. It all meant more to her than I can possibly express.

Now to the meal. One thing she asked from me is to cook some nice stuff for her once in a while. Gee....no doubt that this was gonna happen :emoji_laughing: We have had several really nice meals but I've just been too bust to take pics of them all and document them. This one however I did manage to take pics as I went and it came out really well. Meatloaf was a staple growing up but it was kinda boring and not one of my favorites. I've started making them my way recently and have a whole new attitude about them. She asked for it one night last week so I did. A taste of home...Southern comfort food. Simple, well prepared, and delish.

She asked me to get this pic if I could. Was a bit tricky at 85 miles an hour. Had do duck between a couple of 18-wheelers and hope to get the shot without smashing into anybody :emoji_laughing:
View attachment 677040

Getting it all together. A pound of 80/20 CPB ground beef, a pound of my sweet Italian sausage, bread crumbs, celery, red bell pepper, one egg, bread crumbs, and some seasonings.
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Mix it all up and loaf my meat. Seasoned with a sprinkle of my beef rub.
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Onto the Hy Fyre at 200* running pecan.
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Mom had never seen a smoker at work nor had she ever seen TBS. This was quite the experience for her.
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At the 90 minute mark I basted with a glaze I made using beef gravy, beef broth, rum, and another dose of my beef rub.
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She loves green beans but for many years it's only been from a can. Did some fresh beans for her in the steamer with homemade bacon crumbles.
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Meatloaf all done and ready to slice. Pulled at an IT of 165*.
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Sliced and looking really good. Hey Eric ( SmokinEdge SmokinEdge ) do you see something really pretty here?? :emoji_wink:
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Plated up with some homemade sour cream, garlic, and chive mashed potatoes, beef gravy, and the beans. Weather is finally cooling down a bit so dinner on the patio.
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Here ya go David ( DRKsmoking DRKsmoking ) and Jim (@JLeonard)
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And mom chowing down.
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Yes folks, it's been quite the ordeal but mom is happier than she's ever been. Nice surroundings, people who love her and care about her, good food, and a fat dog to dote on. After months of not eating she is now starting to gain some much needed weight and her strength is coming back in a hurry. Happy, healthy, and loaded with everything she could ever need or want. The original plan was to sell her house and move her into an assisted living facility (her request) but after being here a week we all talked about it and decided she would rather stay with us for as long as we can care for her....which does not take much. She is still very independent and pretty much takes care of herself and is a dream to have around. We've had a few friends over and all have fallen in love with her. Now she feels even more grounded here having friends and not still being in a holding pattern waiting to move again into an assisted living facility. Within less than a week of signing the listing agreement to sell the house, we got two solid offers, one of which has been accepted and closing is next week....for more than $35K over what we were willing to accept. That is a HUGE win for her and when closed, it will give her a sense of having something again after a lifetime of work then ending up totally broke. Life is good and God is smiling on her!!

I've rambled long enough. Thanks once again to all of you who showed such an amazing outpouring of love and support. SMF remains the absolute best forum on the planet and it's because of you all.

If someone hasn’t said it already, some chopped onions and a final baste of a good bbq sauce would step it up imo, looks great!!!
Whew....the past couple of weeks have been an absolute whirlwind. As some of you know, my only sibling has taken it upon himself to rid mom of pretty much everything: all of her money and almost everything of value she owned. For several months she has had no means to pay her bills or buy food. She had been living off one leftover meal a day that one of the neighbors brought her and living like a pauper after an entire life of working...then ending up with nothing. I'd been hinting at her coming to TX for a long time but there's no pressuring her. She is independent, proud, and there was no way I was going to compromise that or her dignity by pushing her into it. It was a decision she had to make on her own. She called me a little over two weeks ago and asked if I could come get her and move her down here from Northern VA. Two days later I was on a plane to do just that. Got her here after a horrific drive in a dilapidated old U-Haul truck and she was in love the second we pulled into the driveway. It took about 3 seconds for her to feel comfortable and at home. Tracy and I have since then made sure that she has everything she needs to be happy and she's happier than ever, loving the environment, the patio (which she now calls home), and the scenery....oh and the food I've been cooking for her :emoji_wink: Now to the part about the message. She has never owned a computer or a cell phone but had friends that have clued her in on Internet sites like FB and a few others which don't exactly have the best of reputations. Needless to say, there was a very negative impression she had about forums and newsgroups. When we got home I opened the thread I posted about the situation and she was completely blown away by the outpouring of support from all of you. Literally, she was standing here crying as I read the replies to that thread. It was pretty amazing that so many people whom I've never met showed so much support for the situation. She asked me to convey a huge THANK YOU to each and every one of you for all the prayers, support, and well-wishes. It all meant more to her than I can possibly express.

Now to the meal. One thing she asked from me is to cook some nice stuff for her once in a while. Gee....no doubt that this was gonna happen :emoji_laughing: We have had several really nice meals but I've just been too bust to take pics of them all and document them. This one however I did manage to take pics as I went and it came out really well. Meatloaf was a staple growing up but it was kinda boring and not one of my favorites. I've started making them my way recently and have a whole new attitude about them. She asked for it one night last week so I did. A taste of home...Southern comfort food. Simple, well prepared, and delish.

She asked me to get this pic if I could. Was a bit tricky at 85 miles an hour. Had do duck between a couple of 18-wheelers and hope to get the shot without smashing into anybody :emoji_laughing:
View attachment 677040

Getting it all together. A pound of 80/20 CPB ground beef, a pound of my sweet Italian sausage, bread crumbs, celery, red bell pepper, one egg, bread crumbs, and some seasonings.
View attachment 677039

Mix it all up and loaf my meat. Seasoned with a sprinkle of my beef rub.
View attachment 677041

Onto the Hy Fyre at 200* running pecan.
View attachment 677042

Mom had never seen a smoker at work nor had she ever seen TBS. This was quite the experience for her.
View attachment 677043

At the 90 minute mark I basted with a glaze I made using beef gravy, beef broth, rum, and another dose of my beef rub.
View attachment 677044

She loves green beans but for many years it's only been from a can. Did some fresh beans for her in the steamer with homemade bacon crumbles.
View attachment 677045

Meatloaf all done and ready to slice. Pulled at an IT of 165*.
View attachment 677046

Sliced and looking really good. Hey Eric ( SmokinEdge SmokinEdge ) do you see something really pretty here?? :emoji_wink:
View attachment 677047

Plated up with some homemade sour cream, garlic, and chive mashed potatoes, beef gravy, and the beans. Weather is finally cooling down a bit so dinner on the patio.
View attachment 677048

Here ya go David ( DRKsmoking DRKsmoking ) and Jim (@JLeonard)
View attachment 677049

And mom chowing down.
View attachment 677050

Yes folks, it's been quite the ordeal but mom is happier than she's ever been. Nice surroundings, people who love her and care about her, good food, and a fat dog to dote on. After months of not eating she is now starting to gain some much needed weight and her strength is coming back in a hurry. Happy, healthy, and loaded with everything she could ever need or want. The original plan was to sell her house and move her into an assisted living facility (her request) but after being here a week we all talked about it and decided she would rather stay with us for as long as we can care for her....which does not take much. She is still very independent and pretty much takes care of herself and is a dream to have around. We've had a few friends over and all have fallen in love with her. Now she feels even more grounded here having friends and not still being in a holding pattern waiting to move again into an assisted living facility. Within less than a week of signing the listing agreement to sell the house, we got two solid offers, one of which has been accepted and closing is next week....for more than $35K over what we were willing to accept. That is a HUGE win for her and when closed, it will give her a sense of having something again after a lifetime of work then ending up totally broke. Life is good and God is smiling on her!!

I've rambled long enough. Thanks once again to all of you who showed such an amazing outpouring of love and support. SMF remains the absolute best forum on the planet and it's because of you all.

Bless you!. I miss my Mom. I'm the last one in the family. Just me, the missus and critters.
So glad everything is going so well for your mom now! The meal looks superb... but of course it would... it has gravy! Love fresh beans with bacon as well.

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