While I can't offer any Scientific data, I'll offer my .02 and you can give me change back if you like. Many times in cooking i.e. meat curing, fermenting meat or kraut or pickling ect., you are depending on a vital chemical process to achive an end result that will be palatable and hopefully won't make you sick or worse. Why throw in a chemical wild card such as iodine that certainly will not enhance the end product and may in someway compromise it ?
If it a matter of the cost of iodized table salt vs Kosher/pickling salt, I'll be blunt, you picked the wrong hobby. That cost is very minor compared to all the other materials you will be using. Not even going into the equipment that everyone gets that will make life so much easier. The cost of spices alone is an eye opener. It's kinda like when I was young and looked at a rather exotic car on a car lot. I asked what kind of mileage it got and the sales guy chuckled and said"if you have to ask, you can't afford it"
I don't mean to be an A$$ about it, it's a hard lesson I myself am struggling with right now.