Few questions for anyone that's attempted Lebanon bologna or any suggestions and i think through my process.
Side Note : i will be purchasing Marianski book on fermented sausages to gain more knowledge. BUT in the meantime I'm just looking at stuff that doesn't require a curing chamber.
2 guys a cooler recipe calls for 28g/kg of salt and 30g/kg of sugar..... im used to 15g/kg or 17g/kg am i missing something here? i know the sugar will offset the saltiness but i feel like that's little much?
I've never fermented any sausage yet, but from my understanding as long as i hit target PH is the time frame I'm alright. Target would be 4.8 in this recipe. As long as i can maintain the 75F to 90F range wrapped in cling film check with my pH meter im alright.
My other concern is the texture and look of this bologna in his video compared to store bought store bought looks alittle drier. I don't have a curing chamber so drying it is really and option as i cant control humidity. ive seen people talk about the brown paper bag in the refrigerator for a week im wondering if that would help little bit.
i was going to do a regular version (2 guys and cooler) and a sweet version (len poli)
Side Note : i will be purchasing Marianski book on fermented sausages to gain more knowledge. BUT in the meantime I'm just looking at stuff that doesn't require a curing chamber.
2 guys a cooler recipe calls for 28g/kg of salt and 30g/kg of sugar..... im used to 15g/kg or 17g/kg am i missing something here? i know the sugar will offset the saltiness but i feel like that's little much?
I've never fermented any sausage yet, but from my understanding as long as i hit target PH is the time frame I'm alright. Target would be 4.8 in this recipe. As long as i can maintain the 75F to 90F range wrapped in cling film check with my pH meter im alright.
My other concern is the texture and look of this bologna in his video compared to store bought store bought looks alittle drier. I don't have a curing chamber so drying it is really and option as i cant control humidity. ive seen people talk about the brown paper bag in the refrigerator for a week im wondering if that would help little bit.
i was going to do a regular version (2 guys and cooler) and a sweet version (len poli)
Lebanon Bologna – 2 Guys & A Cooler