Just a lil different flavor, It is basically a brine with cure #1 in it. I used to work at a old fashioned meat market and we would do a ton of them during the holidays. Oh and it will be smoked afterwards.I guess I don't get out much, but I have never heard of curing a turkey. What do you end up with?
Well I figure since I am injecting it and soaking it should not take as long. Also I will be smokeing it at same temp as if it were not cured so full cure should not be an issue. Say if I was just brineing it in a normal salt and sugar brine then most people would only go overnight to 1 day for an 8 lb breast. Only thing I am doing is adding #1 cure to the mix so it will give it a cured meat flavor and texture. I may go 3 days topI'm with AL, I want to see the process you use.
I have wanted to try one but been a little hesitant.
2 days may not be enough,But someone that knows more than i do will be along to answer your question more precisely.
Thanks Joel, I new there was an "expert" out there!Having done Pops' brine on a turkey many times before even with injecting, I would give it a minimum of 4 days.
Well I figure since I am injecting it and soaking it should not take as long. Also I will be smokeing it at same temp as if it were not cured so full cure should not be an issue. Say if I was just brineing it in a normal salt and sugar brine then most people would only go overnight to 1 day for an 8 lb breast. Only thing I am doing is adding #1 cure to the mix so it will give it a cured meat flavor and texture. I may go 3 days top
Thanks but I am talking about cureing with sodium nitrite, not just brineing.I have smoked hundreds of turkeys and chickens now. When curing any type of poultry you want to follow a basic recipe, and from here you can add and spices to your taste.
you want a container to be able to completly cover your bird or breast with water.
Add 1 tbs of salt per pound of bird.
Then I like cutting up an onion in mine, once in a while I subsitute honey for the sugar.
add everything together make sure sugar and salt are disolved into the water, Place bird into the brine for around 24 hrs. Keep on ice or in the fridge, then pull out about 1/2 hr before smoking rince and smoke. It should come out nice and juicey.
Thanks PopsI've done up to 16 lb turkeys, pickling them for up to a week, but have found that 2 or 3 days is sufficient to get the cure all the way through and still get the flavor without adding excessive salt. I do pump the breast, one shot on each side, and on a big turkey a shot in each thigh too, allowing it to cure from the inside-out as well as the outside-in.
A cured and smoked turkey is a delicacy; my dad did them for Christmas and especially for New Year's Eve! What a delicious way to usher in the New Year! With it's ham-like flavor and smokey goodness, the delicate tenderness of the breast and the hearty dark meat, the pickling packing tremendous flavor and super moist deliciousness all the way through!
Sorry, just had to add some pics... the 1000 word thingy.. lol! Enjoy!