I picked up a mini-fridge. No freezer, it has a cold plate on the back wall, with drain system. Removed the glass shelves, built a wooden rack. Inkbird w/ temp & hum. 15# of salami and a wet salt bed. It runs 53-57f, 75% unless the compressor runs, than it dips to 64 and comes back up to 75%. I guesstimate avg 72%.
My previous batches were done in a frost free fridge. My rack fit into a brown grocery bag to slow the dehydration. A dedicated chamber is better.
So this batch: Hung up, left door open, fridge unplugged. Ambient was 75f, 50-70%. 48 hours, salami darkened. Activate chamber. 60 hours later the salami feels sticky/slimey/gooey. OK? I guess I never over-observed the batches in the fridge.
My previous batches were done in a frost free fridge. My rack fit into a brown grocery bag to slow the dehydration. A dedicated chamber is better.
So this batch: Hung up, left door open, fridge unplugged. Ambient was 75f, 50-70%. 48 hours, salami darkened. Activate chamber. 60 hours later the salami feels sticky/slimey/gooey. OK? I guess I never over-observed the batches in the fridge.