DeHumidification Optimization complete...
After installing the Govee thermohydrometer in my little dH fridge and getting about a weeks worth of data, I could figure out which direction I needed to go to optimize the system. Biggest issue- I needed a recirculation fan. Ice builds up on the frost plate with 20kg. or more of product hanging in the chamber. With a recirculation fan, the airflow can defrost the ice when the dH fridge is shut off as it warms slightly.
So...pulled out the aluminum plate leftover from my build and cut out a baffle plate for the fan. Then I went to my buddy's shop to borrow the plate bender. I wanted to direct airflow to both the back and front of the frost plate with the recurc. fan, so the plate is on a 45* angle with holes drilled in the bend at the top and a little lower on the vertical surface. The holes in the bend direct airflow over the frost plate to the back of the fridge and behind the frost plate. The lower holes direct airflow to the front of the frost plate.
Holes in the baffle plate for recirculation airflow...
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Plate for recirculation fan installed...
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Solenoid valve installed...(with an 3rd dH cycle circulation fan installed on the valve inlet). This is the return flow to the drying chamber.
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Still need to fashion a bracket to level the valve. Got it sitting on blocks right now..
Wires run thru the door...
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I also made a dH water reservoir shelf while I was cutting and bending aluminum plate. I had some blue Krylon Fusion paint leftover from the build (painted the dH baffle plates and return header in the chamber blue) so I used that to paint the shelf.
I finally broke down and bought rivet nut compression tool. Prices have come down a lot since last time I was looking some 15 years ago. This one came with 9 mandrels both SAE and Metric. paid ~$30 bucks for it.
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So much easier with the compression tool!
The shelf is made so that it can be attached on either side of the chamber depending on where it is put in a room.
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mounted the shelf about 2" taller than a 5 gallon bucket..
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I am logging parameters now with the Govee. Then I can program the dH system controllers for automation. Should be done in about another 2 hours....after the next cycle...