Broke in the MF with ribs using the 3-2-1 method and was slightly disappoonted with my outcome. Was looking for 'almost' fall off the bone meat but had to gnaw on them somewhat. Ran for 3 hours at 245-250 with apple chunks. Foiled with a splash of apple juice for the 2 hours at 225. Last hour dropped the temp to 200 to finish without the foil. Maybe I should have kept it at 250 all the way through? The rub held on well and produced a decent bark, I also had a lot of smoke seepage out the door which I will have to work on. HD had no oven gaskets available for that mod. I feel the smoke penetration was also a little lacking. Thanks for looking and the input....
After overnight rub
Going in
after 3 hours
After overnight rub
Going in
after 3 hours