crawfish $4.75/pound!

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Smoking Fanatic
Original poster
OTBS Member
Jan 1, 2012
The Red Stick, Louisiana
just picked up 2 sacks worth from my cousin on my way home from work and he just told me cause of the freeze they are going for close to $5/pd!! thats $190 a sack!
Yikes with prices like those we won't be having them at the Gathering. Sure hope prices fall a lot before April
Three weeks ago they where expected to be plentiful and early this year.  Cold weather normally slows them down so they may be a bit late.  The price normally drops after Easter.
Damn I paid less than that to fly them to Denver 3 years ago. Was going to do a boil this spring but they are going to have to come down first. I remember buying them for 1.00 lb cooked at roadside stands in MS when I wad a kid
they will go down in a month or so when it gets warmer for a few weeks and they start coming back no biggie....still gonna be close to 110 a sack though
You can always go spend a day running the traps next to the RR track. I saw that Cappy knows how. He used chicken necks, we always used melt for crawfish, chicken necks or beef lips for crabs. But since the old slaughter house shut down, I would guess beef lips would be hard to come by...LOL

I been saying crawfish gonna be tuff to get for what's now become a traditional Easter boil in Louisiana.

We've had cold weather before.... just makes the crawfish more appreciated when they come back, besides that why we have freezers ,....... the good years we load 'em.
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Yeah iam on nights at marathon so I will just keep letting my cousin get me 2 sacks a time on Thursdays
When younger and we'd go crawfishing, we had to sell enough to the local general store to pay for the gas, drinks and grocery's used and consumed, THEN we had to have enough left to feed the families. Course back then things were cheaper, including the crawfish.

Then we had to bring home enough to feed the families.

Then we had to buy enough to feed the family

Kind of miss catching enough. (I know it wouldn't be as much fun, its hot at there!)
Well I am gonna wait till after easter and get me some. I always get a few sacks for to freeze for the freezer alone with a few boils alone the way.

O we got good food.........
$4 - $6 / lb live 

$6 - $8 / lb boiled.

 I can see where supply and demand comes into affect after the freeze and the price goes up.

 But how does the freeze justify doubling the price to boil them??? (usually $1 a lb to boil). is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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