Chimayo Chile Rib Eyes & Chipotle Mashed Potatoes (Pics)

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tx smoker

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Apr 14, 2013
Lago Vista, Texas
A few days ago our good friend Brian ( BrianGSDTexoma BrianGSDTexoma ) posted a taco thread using Chimayo Chile, which he got the idea from another member here (apologies, can't remember who) and Brian raved about the Chimayo Chile. Being a true lover of pretty much all food Mexican and Tex Mex, I just had to get some, which I did. Read a few things on the 'Net and came across a simple recipe for a spice blend using the Chimayo Chile. Sounded decent so I stole it and made the rub. Man, it was tasty!! Tracy had a day last week with late meetings at work and no idea when she'd be home. I wanted a decent meal after all the less-than-stellar food we've been eating recently. Problem was that I needed to have everything prepped in advance and ready to finish up in just a couple minutes after she got home. Decided on rib eyes, mashed potatoes with chipotle gravy, and steamed fresh broccoli.

First is to get the gravy going. Butter and flour to make the roux.

Add beef broth, a dollop of BTB beef base, black pepper, garlic powder, and a nice dose of Chipotle pepper.

The steaks: two nice CPB rib eyes cut from a 103 sub primal rib section last weekend.

Seasoned up with the Chimayo Chile spice mix.

Gravy all done. This stuff is outstanding!! Absolutely LOVE the chipotle pepper in it. While this was going on I made a batch of garlic mashed potatoes and cut up the broccoli, which is in the steamer ready to get going when she gets home.

She's home so steaks on the grill. I really wanted to so them on the new SM grill I built but not knowing when she'd be home I had no idea when to get the charcoal started. Used sear burner on the big Lynx instead.

Steaks done and into the house. Time to reheat the taters and gravy. Broccoli is about done now also.

Dinner plated and out to the patio.

Cooking thin steaks is very difficult to nail the doneness but these came out fairly well.

And of course the close-up shot.

I will say that the Chimayo Chile is 100% legit!! It has a deep, rich smoky flavor with just a slight spice tingle. No doubt I have a new addition to the Mexican spices to keep on hand. Matter of fact, I have several spice blends and rubs I've put together that will get re-worked and incorporating this new pepper. I did get a bit heavy handed with the seasoning on the steaks but the flavor of the spice blend worked amazingly well with the beef. Now to the gravy....y'all know I've done quite a few adaptations of gravy but this was one of the very best. Nice beefy flavor and a good balance of spices, but the addition of the chipotle was off the charts. Tracy wasn't sure she'd like it so asked for hers in a bowl on the side. Next thing she dumped it all on the taters and went back in for another bowl of it to dunk her steak in. It was a hit and will most certainly get done regularly going forward. All in all a good meal for not really being able to just make it and eat. I guess timing is everything and it all worked out well.

Enough for my first food related post in a while. Y'all have a great weekend and let's see some top shelf stuff before the weather turns totally south on a lot of you :emoji_laughing:

Looks wonderful Robert. Nice cook and use of the Chimayo Chile, but as I cautioned Brian, be careful of your source for authentic Chimayo Chile, lots of imposters out there. Get it direct from NM, if you need sources let me know and I will get you hooked up.

Chimayo Chile is the oldest Chile in the country. Brought here by the Spaniard in the 1500’s and planted in the high desert north above Santa Fe. There is a town there called Chimayo, this is the center around this Chile and it’s cultivation.
Chipotle gravy?:!!! That is crazy like a fox kind of thinking.
That plate is to die for. I am so hungry right now!
I too bought some of the Chimayo chili powder and I am going to make steak and eggs
for breakfast with some chili rub.
Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend!
Nicely done Robert. I agree thinner steaks are tougher to get right, but you nailed it.

Point for sure
Now you've gone and done it Robert. Damn this makes me hungry! Love how that meal works together. Very little chance of finding Chimayo Chile in Indiana but that's ok. Simple good gravy is always a welcome addition. Steaks, yup done to perfection as usual.
Damn Robert that looks so good I would eat it with just my face. No utensils needed. Seriously that looks over the top. Very nice!
Looks fantastic Robert!
I’m going to have to try the gravy recipe!
I could eat mashed potato’s & gravy for dinner every night.
That ribeye sure looks good too!
Looks perfectly done, great plated photo!
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Great dinner you got there.
I like to use a chile-spice rub for skirt and flank steaks, but always use only salt for ribeyes. Now you got me thinking about trying a rub on individual steaks also.
Incredible as always Robert! I definitely want to try that gravy! Mmmm, awesome post has me hungry!
Robert the seared outer of that steak with the chile looks PHENOMENAL!! It’s on my list to order
Looks wonderful Robert. Nice cook and use of the Chimayo Chile, but as I cautioned Brian, be careful of your source for authentic Chimayo Chile, lots of imposters out there. Get it direct from NM, if you need sources let me know and I will get you hooked up.
Thanks so much for the kind words and the offer of help. I did a considerable amount of reading about the Chimayo Chile prior to ordering the stuff. Apparently the folks in that region are quite proud of it and there's a ton of info out there from the history of it to the many uses for it. I was looking for all of that and got quite an education about the pepper. Weird that I'd never heard of it before. I know about it now though :emoji_wink:

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