Burgers on My Weber “Q”
I never used to buy these pre-made Frozen Burgers, but I’ll tell you what—They really aren’t too bad!!! Plus Bear Jr taught me to put them on the Grill while they’re still frozen, so they don’t stick to the grill, and you can get a nice
charred surface without getting the whole burger too well done!
So I got my “Q” nice & Hot, and dropped 6 Patties on.
Flipped them after one side was about right, and kept that up until they looked Just Right.
Then I put a slice of Cheese on the one I planned on eating first.
I’ll explain the other things I did in the Captions above each picture below:
Thanks for Looking!
Six Frozen Patties getting warmed up:
Ready to remove from "Q":
Closer Look:
Ketchup & Yellow Mustard:
Moosh them together:
Close & add some Pickle Chips for Bear's First night's Supper:
Cutting some Fries with my $10 Fry Cutter:
Into the Ninja they go: Note: The round pieces were the Tater ends I cut off:
Plating my Second Night's Supper:
Bear's Second Night's Supper, with Deviled Eggs & Fries:
Prepping Night #3 Bun:
Plating Night #3:
Bear's Third Night's Supper---Cheeseburger with a few Shrimp & Pickled Red Beets: