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Wow inflation after 25 years and maybe an opposite coast thing.
I think Uncle Dick picked them up for around $20 a bushell.
I do know how to piss off an oysterman. We went diving in Agate Passage in Puget Sound during tide shift. We would put in the water about 2 miles up from a state park. Well we came up and out about 1/4 mile short of the park and it happened to be in an oyster bed. A warning shot made us lift hands to show we had no catch bags and empty hands
In SC, we have 3 kinds of oyster beds. State beds anyone can harvest, recreational or commercial folks, just different limits for each. Recreational beds are just what their name implies, for recreational harvesting only. Then there's the private leased beds where the commercial guys hold the lease and where you can get into trouble with them.
I too, can remember when oysters were $20/bushel. I have always harvested my own and know where a couple of good rec beds are, but haven't been in a couple of years due to timing and fishing too much...