Howdy, whenever I light the charcoal grill or offset smoker I want them full so I can "Bank" some food for later. My daughter-in-law was deployed (Army) over Thanksgiving and Christmas so we are having a holiday meal this weekend before they move to Germany. She want's Fried Turkey! So I will be brineing the bird starting tomorrow. Due to a small single oven the ham has to come outside so I'll do Jeff's, double smoked version with a rum glaze in the offset. I can fit a second Bradley rack inside and with fowl and pork for Saturday wanting to smoke some beef for later. Top Round (London Broil ) is on sale for $3.99 but I never have much luck banking a meat I left medium rare, reheating always over cooks it. Any ideas for that empty rack? I may just pack some pork roasts in pans and do the Dr.Pepper treatment which has very nice :)