And on the 15th day, I created Bacon ( Back/Canadian ) with your help

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Legendary Pitmaster
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OTBS Member
SMF Premier Member
Jan 27, 2021
Middle Sackville, Nova Scotia ,Canada
And on the 15th day, I created Bacon ( Back/Canadian ) with your help of coarse. Thanks to disco disco 's posts and show how's

So I had a 3.54 kg boneless pork loin that I wanted to make Back bacon out of. so after reading disco disco and Bearcarver Bearcarver posts to death, and asking questions I found enough nerve to do my first batch.
When I went to cut the loin into 3 equal parts I noticed they had a cut in the middle of one end, they removed something, bone or something. So you will see later what I did with that portion of the loin.

Did a dry cure using this mix per pound
- 4 teaspoon brown sugar
- 1 1/2 teaspoon Kosher salt
- 1/5 teaspoon Praque powder #1 or ( 0.005 once per pound )

So I now have 3 pieces ( well 2 nice full ones and 2 slabs and pieces I trimmed off of the 2 nice ones) . Mixed the cure in 3 separate portions for the 3 different weights. Rubbed into each section of the lions and put inn separate bags. Than into the fridge for the 12 days . Flipping and messaging every day. Gave it an extra 2 days because I was nervous , (even though I did the math 20 times " just me " ) and timing was right with working etc

So on the 14th day pulled from the fridge and washed off, soaked in water bath for 1 hour changing the water half way. In the fridge for 24 hours
Next day I wanted the Back Bacon to be a little rounder shape so I tied them after coated them in Brown sugar and black pepper. So this is where I tried to make a nice round Loaf with the thin slabs of the loins and the pieces. It came out nice at the end, as you will see.
Did a fry test , just right on salt and sweet, maybe next time I will also try to inject some flavors, Maple, jalapeño etc

Smoker set at 175 deg. with smoker tube filled with Hickory to get a good smoke into the meat, 45 minutes
Bumped up to 200 deg. with smoke still rolling, brought it to IT of 145 deg. ( approx. 2 hours for 2 full ones, and the rolled ones took almost 3 hours )
Let cool down than into the fridge for 24 hours
Sliced with my new slicer, works real nice , it is what it is , I am used to using Hobarts. So had to get my mind away from this new one has no power. LOL It is great for what I will ever do at home.
Vacuum sealed with my new Inkbirdplus #VS6621 , works nice also

Hope you are still with me , I know probably more information than needed , but first time and I am happy . Now for the picture history



Ready for the trip in the fridge


After the 14 days , now ready for the fry test , rub in some brown sugar and black pepper, Tie them up to form rounder meat and to make the pieces I talked about into loaf shapes


Very good taste , i'm happy, with the first try


2 Hour mark


All finished and cooling before in the fridge for the night, closer view of the pieces rolled up.

13  (2 full loins).JPG

3rd picture is of the full loins ( next time will place the probes down through the tops, so no hole going all the way through ) ha ha

14 (2 rolled loin pieces ).JPG

These pictures are of the rolled pieces, meat is a lot darker and it stayed formed really good, all has great taste


All sealed up and ready to eat and freeze

I had to have a sandwich or 2 so I had to make some Sour Cream and Onion buns. I saw that tx smoker tx smoker had some , I could not get what he used so i found a couple different recipes and made my own ,that will be on a different post, but here is a sample


Again I know very long post but thats me , hope you hung around for the whole thing

David ( ps: thanks to all that helped with my questions and all the posts posted by all that I read to make this happen. Now i'm not so nervous to do again )

Wow David, absolutely outstanding job!! That BBB is nothing short of gorgeous and those sandwiches...magnificent!! Heck, a couple of those pics the BBB looks almost like Pancetta but I'd be all over some of that. Excellent job sir!!

Look perfect! Nice color and just enough fat to give lots of flavor without being too much...JJ
Heck, a couple of those pics the BBB looks almost like Pancetta but I'd be all over some of that. Excellent job sir!!
Thanks Robert , for the like and the comment.
Yes I also thought it has that look also , funny how it turned out with rolling and tying it up ( the pieces ) and how it held together
I also posted just now My Sour cream and onion buns with the idea from you


Look perfect! Nice color and just enough fat to give lots of flavor without being too much...JJ
Thanks JJ for the like and the comment, it was fun and nerve racking at the same time, now I feel good that I will be making bacon a lot more now.
Yes i did not trim the loins at all, looks good to me also

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Nice work on all of it . Looks fantastic , but I really like the rolled look .
I would take those to 165 internal , just to make sure . I'll have to try that next time . Really has a great look .
Great color , and nice sandwich .
Nice work on all of it . Looks fantastic , but I really like the rolled look .
I would take those to 165 internal , just to make sure . I'll have to try that next time . Really has a great look .
Great color , and nice sandwich .
Thanks chopsaw for the like and comment
yes i thought it came out nice also. The look of the rolled ones was just a lucky happy ending. Was not sure how it would look or if it would stay together. But it did
As for the temp thought i was good at 145deg. but in saying that the rolled ones took almost an hour longer to get to 145 than the whole ones

All Looks Beautiful, David!!
What an Ice-Breaker!!
Nice Job & Great Pictures!!

Thanks John for the like and the comment, i studied yours and Disco's methods on doing the dry cures , cant find Tenderquick around here so used the Praque powder #1
For the first time and not the last , it came out pretty good, but like I said might try some injection also to experiment with flavors

As for the temp thought i was good at 145deg.
David , that's just my choice if I de bone something and expose the inside to the air , then close it back up . Just to make sure any bad stuff gets whacked . I know guys go by length of time at a certain temp is the same thing . I do that with some stuff , but these I just take a little higher .
David , that's just my choice if I de bone something and expose the inside to the air , then close it back up . Just to make sure any bad stuff gets whacked . I know guys go by length of time at a certain temp is the same thing . I do that with some stuff , but these I just take a little higher .
totally understand what you mean,
these 2 pieces were thin maybe 1"thick or so and in the cure bags with all the parts for the 14 days. Came that way kind of . I did not remove any bones. Not sure what to do with them so that is when I thought to put all the strip parts inside the thin slab pieces roll them and tie them . I was surprised that they stayed together after the smoke and removing the string. But it does look good.
Because of the fat amount I will mostly be frying those slices , treat them just like reg, bacon

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