And on the 15th day, I created Bacon ( Back/Canadian ) with your help of coarse. Thanks to
's posts and show how's
So I had a 3.54 kg boneless pork loin that I wanted to make Back bacon out of. so after reading
posts to death, and asking questions I found enough nerve to do my first batch.
When I went to cut the loin into 3 equal parts I noticed they had a cut in the middle of one end, they removed something, bone or something. So you will see later what I did with that portion of the loin.
Did a dry cure using this mix per pound
- 4 teaspoon brown sugar
- 1 1/2 teaspoon Kosher salt
- 1/5 teaspoon Praque powder #1 or ( 0.005 once per pound )
So I now have 3 pieces ( well 2 nice full ones and 2 slabs and pieces I trimmed off of the 2 nice ones) . Mixed the cure in 3 separate portions for the 3 different weights. Rubbed into each section of the lions and put inn separate bags. Than into the fridge for the 12 days . Flipping and messaging every day. Gave it an extra 2 days because I was nervous , (even though I did the math 20 times " just me " ) and timing was right with working etc
So on the 14th day pulled from the fridge and washed off, soaked in water bath for 1 hour changing the water half way. In the fridge for 24 hours
Next day I wanted the Back Bacon to be a little rounder shape so I tied them after coated them in Brown sugar and black pepper. So this is where I tried to make a nice round Loaf with the thin slabs of the loins and the pieces. It came out nice at the end, as you will see.
Did a fry test , just right on salt and sweet, maybe next time I will also try to inject some flavors, Maple, jalapeño etc
Smoker set at 175 deg. with smoker tube filled with Hickory to get a good smoke into the meat, 45 minutes
Bumped up to 200 deg. with smoke still rolling, brought it to IT of 145 deg. ( approx. 2 hours for 2 full ones, and the rolled ones took almost 3 hours )
Let cool down than into the fridge for 24 hours
Sliced with my new slicer, works real nice , it is what it is , I am used to using Hobarts. So had to get my mind away from this new one has no power. LOL It is great for what I will ever do at home.
Vacuum sealed with my new Inkbirdplus #VS6621 , works nice also
Hope you are still with me , I know probably more information than needed , but first time and I am happy . Now for the picture history
Ready for the trip in the fridge
After the 14 days , now ready for the fry test , rub in some brown sugar and black pepper, Tie them up to form rounder meat and to make the pieces I talked about into loaf shapes
Very good taste , i'm happy, with the first try
2 Hour mark
All finished and cooling before in the fridge for the night, closer view of the pieces rolled up.
3rd picture is of the full loins ( next time will place the probes down through the tops, so no hole going all the way through ) ha ha
These pictures are of the rolled pieces, meat is a lot darker and it stayed formed really good, all has great taste
All sealed up and ready to eat and freeze
I had to have a sandwich or 2 so I had to make some Sour Cream and Onion buns. I saw that
tx smoker
had some , I could not get what he used so i found a couple different recipes and made my own ,that will be on a different post, but here is a sample
Again I know very long post but thats me , hope you hung around for the whole thing
David ( ps: thanks to all that helped with my questions and all the posts posted by all that I read to make this happen. Now i'm not so nervous to do again )

So I had a 3.54 kg boneless pork loin that I wanted to make Back bacon out of. so after reading

When I went to cut the loin into 3 equal parts I noticed they had a cut in the middle of one end, they removed something, bone or something. So you will see later what I did with that portion of the loin.
Did a dry cure using this mix per pound
- 4 teaspoon brown sugar
- 1 1/2 teaspoon Kosher salt
- 1/5 teaspoon Praque powder #1 or ( 0.005 once per pound )
So I now have 3 pieces ( well 2 nice full ones and 2 slabs and pieces I trimmed off of the 2 nice ones) . Mixed the cure in 3 separate portions for the 3 different weights. Rubbed into each section of the lions and put inn separate bags. Than into the fridge for the 12 days . Flipping and messaging every day. Gave it an extra 2 days because I was nervous , (even though I did the math 20 times " just me " ) and timing was right with working etc
So on the 14th day pulled from the fridge and washed off, soaked in water bath for 1 hour changing the water half way. In the fridge for 24 hours
Next day I wanted the Back Bacon to be a little rounder shape so I tied them after coated them in Brown sugar and black pepper. So this is where I tried to make a nice round Loaf with the thin slabs of the loins and the pieces. It came out nice at the end, as you will see.
Did a fry test , just right on salt and sweet, maybe next time I will also try to inject some flavors, Maple, jalapeño etc
Smoker set at 175 deg. with smoker tube filled with Hickory to get a good smoke into the meat, 45 minutes
Bumped up to 200 deg. with smoke still rolling, brought it to IT of 145 deg. ( approx. 2 hours for 2 full ones, and the rolled ones took almost 3 hours )
Let cool down than into the fridge for 24 hours
Sliced with my new slicer, works real nice , it is what it is , I am used to using Hobarts. So had to get my mind away from this new one has no power. LOL It is great for what I will ever do at home.
Vacuum sealed with my new Inkbirdplus #VS6621 , works nice also
Hope you are still with me , I know probably more information than needed , but first time and I am happy . Now for the picture history
Ready for the trip in the fridge
After the 14 days , now ready for the fry test , rub in some brown sugar and black pepper, Tie them up to form rounder meat and to make the pieces I talked about into loaf shapes
Very good taste , i'm happy, with the first try
2 Hour mark
All finished and cooling before in the fridge for the night, closer view of the pieces rolled up.
3rd picture is of the full loins ( next time will place the probes down through the tops, so no hole going all the way through ) ha ha
These pictures are of the rolled pieces, meat is a lot darker and it stayed formed really good, all has great taste
All sealed up and ready to eat and freeze
I had to have a sandwich or 2 so I had to make some Sour Cream and Onion buns. I saw that

Again I know very long post but thats me , hope you hung around for the whole thing
David ( ps: thanks to all that helped with my questions and all the posts posted by all that I read to make this happen. Now i'm not so nervous to do again )