So the rundown of all that I smoked was:
started by firing the beast up at 8pm Saturday night. It was up to temp in an hour or so, but I waited until 10 to start cooking. First off was a stew pot with sausage in it to make a smoked gravy. I like to use the smoker to brown it, then obviously finish it inside.
At the same time, I threw a bag of whole potatoes that I coated in EVOO and sea salt, and smoke them for 2 hours @ 225 for use in making potato salad the next day. mmmmm If youve never smoked it now!
After all that was done, I threw in two boneless pork shoulders at midnight. Each was given a healthy dose of my home made rub. The two shoulders came in a single package from costco, with a combined weight of about 17.5 lbs. I ended up pulling them from the smoker at 4pm yesterday which gave them a total smoke time of 16 hours. Like I said before, Ive never had a shoulder, even that size, go nearly that long. Anyways, I pulled them both out and they were still about 160 internal temp. My plan then was to finish them in the oven because my smoker was at my house, and we were eating at my parents, and i didnt want to have to keep running back and forth. Besides, after 16 hours, they already pulled in as smoke flavor as I would get.
Oh, I smoke everything with apple and cherry, and a hint of pecan.
Heres the pork:
I ended up NOT putting them in the oven....when I took them out, they were so fall apart tender and juicy, and with being in the safe zone for temperature, i decided to chance it on it being good despite not hitting the magic 195. So I foiled them, wrapped in towels, and let em rest for an hour. By far the best pulled pork Ive ever made. I was awesomeness. lol!
Heres a couple pics so that you can get an idea of the beast I built
The pork was on the third shelf with the pit probe hanging just below.
So besides all that that I cooked, I also had 4 fatties...2 pizza and 2 breakfast...
thats after they were being torn apart by hungry
and breakfast today...
and also a rack of spare ribs, which were not the best, and I need alot more practice with em.
enjoy the qview, and Im all ears for tips/advice/pointers!