I have a Noregian friend that has just given me 20 kilo's of sausage to smoke. It is in two different mixtures and cased in natural casing. One mixture is pork, bacon, fat, spices, the othere has cheese and some veggies added. No presertives. He said he wanted to do them at 60deg f but he didn't know how long. So I mentioned to him that the problems with smoking at that temp for long times invites possible problems. I told him that I would smoke it between 80 - 100 degrees for about 3 hours over apple chips. Then I would pull it off and rebag and deliver to him.
Anybody got any comments? I had though about taking one of his packs and smoke/cook it to about 160 and see if that is wht he wants. Just don't know.
Anybody got any comments? I had though about taking one of his packs and smoke/cook it to about 160 and see if that is wht he wants. Just don't know.