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I blew my wad last week on that brisket and shoulder
i'm going to smoke vicariously thru u guys this weekend..............although i do see a couple chubs of sausage in the icebox........and whats that??? BACON
Bought a couple of whole pork loins for Canadian Bacon. Will probably cut out a roast and will do a yardbird and a couple of fatties as well. Otherwise nothing special.
think i'll try one of those lip smackin meatloafs, maybe rottisserie a chicken or turkey too..with a side of cornbread.... just got done vac-packing 10# of kunzlers thick cut bacon..heaven isn't too far away :).
...4/28....the boss said just do meatloaf so meatloaf it is..gonna use meowy's recipe with a few slight mods.. going to the market now for the ingredients ,,figure i'll make a couple of 3#ers instead of s real big one
i am doing two chickens whole beer butt style i will also do a fatty or two i have been waiting to try dutches sausage gravy it sounds good i will do the wicked baked beans and some corn bread maybe even some smoked eggs just to round it out oh and i just put 5 pounds of canadian bacon in the cure it is in morton tender quick method
Doing a brisket for Daddy in law's birthday tommorrow. Mommy in law is getting chicken from a local barbecue you know I just had to do a brisket.