Took the wifey for weekend beach trip to Hilton Head, SC and stopped at the local Piggly Wiggly before leaving the island and heading home.
Picked up a couple of tenderloins for an easy afternoon cook.
Loaded the MBGF with B&B lump and added some pecan chunks for mild smoke flavor . Set to 250°
Rubbed one down with HR competition and one with Suckle Buster Hog Waller.
Love the SB and use it a lot on all pork.
Let them ride till they hit 120 IT and crank up the heat to 650 for a 2 minutes per side with a couple of flips and pulled at 135° . Added a glaze from a local veteran owned GA Land and Cattle OMG Sauce. Mighty tasty with a little twang. And a little heat like Shania
Added some corn to the mix while the pork takes a rest.
Only served one and already looking forward to supper tomorrow night!
Simply meal with some juiced up beans but lots of flavors on the plate.
Thanks for looking!
Picked up a couple of tenderloins for an easy afternoon cook.
Loaded the MBGF with B&B lump and added some pecan chunks for mild smoke flavor . Set to 250°
Rubbed one down with HR competition and one with Suckle Buster Hog Waller.
Love the SB and use it a lot on all pork.

Let them ride till they hit 120 IT and crank up the heat to 650 for a 2 minutes per side with a couple of flips and pulled at 135° . Added a glaze from a local veteran owned GA Land and Cattle OMG Sauce. Mighty tasty with a little twang. And a little heat like Shania

Added some corn to the mix while the pork takes a rest.

Only served one and already looking forward to supper tomorrow night!

Simply meal with some juiced up beans but lots of flavors on the plate.

Thanks for looking!