Unique offer from Z Grills

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Master of the Pit
Original poster
OTBS Member
SMF Premier Member
Nov 29, 2020
Statesboro Ga
That's really a killer deal, if they continue to be around for a while/stays in business.

I like the $1277 dollar option, lmao that way you would always have a replacement parts on hand. $1277 for 3 pellet grills is pretty awesome!
FWIW, I'm new here. Done a few smokes on Offset Charcoal and and old Brinkman cylinders, many moons ago. and started with a pellet smoker a couple of years ago. Found this forum recently looking for recipe's, etc and started poking around.

I'm not a competition guy, I just cook for family and friends on occasion.

I Picked up a pellet smoker a couple of years ago due to the prodding from my teenage son. Picked up a z-grills 700 series, and love it. I've had zero issues with it, and it gets used weekly. I'm taking them up on their current offer to upgrade to a slightly larger model, in 1000 series. Free every 5 years, and you CAN gift them. You can buy early (earlier than 5 years) for an additional $100, and if they outlive you, they do offer the ability to for a family member to pick up the remainder of the deal. I know this because I researched it and these are (understandably) common questions being asked. It does seem that this is a way for them to sell off older models, and I would expect similar items ("new old stock") as replacements every 5 years but I'm ok with it. I'm not one that usually jumps at the latest and greatest. And the warranty is the same no matter what.

Admittedly, I do not have alot of experience with smokers. But I can tell you, that a co-worker has a pit-boss, and has had issues with it. Yes, their customer service seems to be top notch, but in the same period of time, I have not needed it from Z-grills. I took a chance when I bought it, and have been really happy with it. I tend to buy no-frills stuff, to reduce chance of stuff going wrong. Mine doesn't have wi-fi or bluetooth. I have wifi probes from Meatr instead. But I've had zero issues with the controller, fan or pellet auger in 2 years. I keep it outside, and I'm not very good at keeping it covered. I couldn't tell you the last time the cover was on it, actually. The hopper stays dry without the cover. Something else my bud has issues with on his PB.

So, I'll be gifting my current one to a friend when the new one comes in. And I'll be poking around here. You guys have kept this forum going for quite a few years and keep passing down alot of good info. I hope to offer the same, in time.
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