Getting ready to mix all this up for sticks. I'm going with the 5 lbs batch. Just reduce the recipe in half for 5 lbs ( recipe below)
For 10 pounds. If you want a 5 pound batch just cut everything in half
10 pounds of lean beef, any type of cut will do.
2 level tsp Cure#1, If doing 10lb mix cure with 2 Tbs water, 5lb mix with 1 Tbs water, mix to dissolve. Add into meat with other items.
4 Tbsp paprika
6 tbsp ground mustard
1 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp white pepper
1 tsp ground celery seed (you can grind this a tad if you like)
1 Tbsp mace
1 tsp granulated garlic
1 Tbsp granulated onion
2 1/2 ounces salt or 3-4 Tbs to taste
1/2 tsp marjoram
1 tsp ground ginger
1/4 cup Molasses or Black Strap or Dark corn syrup or cane syrup, whichever you like.
6 ounces Fermento or powdered buttermilk. You can also use ECA If you dont have the other 2. And if you dont have any just run down to the store and get some buttermilk, Use 1.5 cups for 10 lbs and 3/4 cup for 5 lbs of meat. Dont mix the cure into the BM.
Add all above and mix very well.
Stuff into 17-19mm collagen casings. Smoke as normal