Hello everyone,
My name is Adam, I live in braintree Essex. Am kinda new to the whole bbq scene.
Last summer me and my dad built a decking in my back garden all under cover so wind or rain I have been able to do at least a couple of bbq's a week....in the winter weather some neighbours think I am mad!
To be honest I have never used a forum but am in thE middle of a mini wsm build which is not as easy as the US make it. Sources the products can be abit more expensive but I'm getting there.
It's good to see that in the UK there are more people like me that are hooked on different ways of cooking, wanting to perfect the smoking, learning about rubs etc.
My misses doesn't seem to have the same enthusiasm but she never complains when eating the food!
Well that's a little about me, I'm really interested in learning a lot more and getting bang on with my smoking this year...
Watching all the new American food channels has just really made me wanna produce this food for myself
I'm sure I will learn a lot from this site and look forward to exchanging ideas
My name is Adam, I live in braintree Essex. Am kinda new to the whole bbq scene.
Last summer me and my dad built a decking in my back garden all under cover so wind or rain I have been able to do at least a couple of bbq's a week....in the winter weather some neighbours think I am mad!
To be honest I have never used a forum but am in thE middle of a mini wsm build which is not as easy as the US make it. Sources the products can be abit more expensive but I'm getting there.
It's good to see that in the UK there are more people like me that are hooked on different ways of cooking, wanting to perfect the smoking, learning about rubs etc.
My misses doesn't seem to have the same enthusiasm but she never complains when eating the food!
Well that's a little about me, I'm really interested in learning a lot more and getting bang on with my smoking this year...
Watching all the new American food channels has just really made me wanna produce this food for myself
I'm sure I will learn a lot from this site and look forward to exchanging ideas