New member, so many questions-

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Original poster
Mar 13, 2024
Hi everyone,

I've been smoking meats since 2019 using a single door vertical propane Masterbuilt smoker, and while that smoker is well loved, it's time for a new one. I live in Pennsylvania and I'd like to smoke for as much of the year as I can, so I'd want something that will do fine in like 40 ˚F weather- college football games and Thanksgiving turkey is a must. I don't know if I'd want another propane smoker, but I do know I want something that is well built and will last. I'm taking any/all suggestions and information as I've never used any other smoker.

I think I like the vertical shape; I like to capture the drippings and reuse them. However, the horizontal shape seems more popular, why is that?

Will there be a steep learning curve to an offset smoker?

How do you recommend getting the wood for it?

Does anyone recommend a guide for me to do some research on this stuff?

Edit: I have a deck and am not space limited.

Thanks in advance!
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Welcome from Mississippi! I also am a MB gas burner! At least for right now, A member on here is building me a vertical offset. Look forward to more posts and pics.

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You will figure the offset pretty quickly and will find quickly that you have upped your game. It learning fire management which takes a couple smokes.

Start with easy stuff like a pork butt the first time. Its the most forgiving. Look on craiglist, facebook marketplace and do a google search for wood. Being in Pennsylvania you will have options like oak and some fruit woods. If you have a truck, go pick it up, if not pay for delivery. If you have the room to store wood get a quarter cord of a few kinds and you will have all your need.

I think you can get all the info you need here. I learned a lot before I ordered my first offset 4 years ago and now I don't think I could smoke meat without one.
You will figure the offset pretty quickly and will find quickly that you have upped your game. It learning fire management which takes a couple smokes.

Start with easy stuff like a pork butt the first time. Its the most forgiving. Look on craiglist, facebook marketplace and do a google search for wood. Being in Pennsylvania you will have options like oak and some fruit woods. If you have a truck, go pick it up, if not pay for delivery. If you have the room to store wood get a quarter cord of a few kinds and you will have all your need.

I think you can get all the info you need here. I learned a lot before I ordered my first offset 4 years ago and now I don't think I could smoke meat without one.
Thanks! What did you get?
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Thanks! What did you get?
Welcome, from Colorado.
Lots of good cookers out there, it's mostly about finding what fits your style, there is a learning curve with an offset, but it's not bad. Wood is were you find it. And your guide is right here with the fine knowledgeable folks on SMF. Best thing ive done over the years is, find a cut of meat, learn about it and cook it. You'll screw up plenty but you'll make some great meals in the process too.
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How many folks are you cooking for?

Hello from RI.

Budget is another big consideration. You can only spend what you have!

At this point in my life I'm in the ease of use camp.
Welcome from Colorado. Don’t forget the search function here on SMF, years of knowledge and advice can be searched with that magnifying glass in the upper right corner of the screen. We will still answer your questions in real time.
Howdy, and welcome to the group from New Mexico.

Can't help on offset smokers, I have pellet smokers.
A lot depends on how much/long you want to stay out in the cold to attend your smoker... Electrics are pretty much set-n-forget, with some kind of smoke generator ... Stick burners need much more tending ...
I live in Southern PA, welcome to SMF!

Saying that, you can smoke, depending on the smoker, below 40*F, especial if it's wood/charcoal or propane. Big thing is to have a place protected from direct northerly winds and you'll be fine. I have an electric smoker that tops out at 350*F, but won't reach 300 if it's really cold out or breezy. I have a WSM that I inherited a wrap (looks like a big hot pad) from Cabelas, it uses charcoal/wood and can keep pretty good temps in the cold with the vents opened up 100% at the base. I actually enjoy smoking something in the smoker whenever we get a nice snowfall (since I'll be out shoveling the driveway anyway).
A big vote for a Weber Summit Kamado here!

I started my addiction with a 22” Weber Smoky Mountain about 10 years ago. It was great. It was cheap. It was charcoal. It gave “real wood” flavor. I had been lusting over a ceramic charcoal cooker to grill AND smoke. BGE, Kamado Joe, Primo were on a rotating wish list. I found the Weber Kamado and researched way too extensively. Wife said pull the trigger and my only regret is not doing it sooner! Much more efficient with charcoal, rock solid temp control, low and slow easier than WSM AND I can grill hot and fast! Can’t say enough good things about it. If you have the time and patience for offset, rock on my man! If you prefer pellet, understood. Cant beat the ease. If you are open to charcoal/wood chunk/kamado style cooking, I strongly encourage Weber Summit Kamado or whatever Kamado you prefer looking at on your deck. I almost went with KJ because I liked the Ferrari red, however went Weber because ceramic holds temp TOO well and if you over shoot, temp will be harder to drop where you want it. Enjoy your exciting voyage! Not just the destination, but the ride there! is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.