I only snacked as i did the dismembering. Some of the profiles really stood out, Ones with bay, citrus, juniper. Others were very subtle. Surprisingly the Vindaloo, tandoori, Biryani did not over power the meat. I was a bit worried about that. Possibly the vineager tamed them down. What was most subtle were the ones i had added lots of heat to. 3/4 cups of thin sliced thai burpa ( and they are pretty warm) peppers did not give heat to the turkey like i thought it would. All in all they seem to have a great taste. Nothing over powered the turkey.
I did the venison pastrami at the same time, though off to the sides out of the way of the turkey snot. That turned out fantastic. I over did it a bit so i added a 1/2 cup of moisture to my vacuum pack.
Turkey snot, I have an 1.5 inches of turkey snot in the bottom of my smoker, my drip pans are also full of it. I have no idea what i am going to do with it.