Dang good looking food! I'm betting she's worth it! The granddaughter is just as precious!
Thank you, Ryan. That's my Sweetie Pie!!
Wow! That looks fantastic!
What did you and your bride think about those scallops? I've seen that brand in Kroger and never tried them but the price is right this week.
She really likes them, so happy wife...happy life...
Damn.... that looks so good!
Appreciate that John!!
I don't get the chance to eat scallops often. And got burned on a fake scallop buy....it was sting ray wings cut into rounds....Yuk! But I'd eat your dish....looks awesome!!
Come on and get you some, Keith! You'd be welcome at my table anytime...
Fantastic Charles! I'll be giving that a try. Though. Ann doesn't like scallops.
Thank you Steve. Like I said, scallops are Sheila's favorite seafood. Try it and maybe Ann will change her mind...
Oh yeah Charles. Great meal. I normally wont buy wet scallops but seen some at Kroger few weeks ago for $10 for a pound so went for it. Put frozen in fridge for couple days to thaw and dry. They shrunk quite a bit but tasted OK. I prefer the dry they sell at Sam's but getting pretty pricey.
I like the dry, too, but like you said, they are expensive...
Looks and sounds fantastic Charles. Both the wife and I love scallops. My only problem is remembering to take the foot off them.
Point for sure
They are a favorite around here for sure...
All looks pretty fantatical to me, nice work there. Have fun fishing.
Thanks Eric. Fishing was tough. The wind was absolutely BRUTAL!!
Looks great, hope our weather clears up for you,I'm in the Knoxville area and rain today Thursday and Friday, clear then till end of next week. safe travels.
The weather, especially the wind, was awful...
man thats a great looking meal. Of course after feeding her like that she cant fuss too much about your running off fishing!
Naw, she never fusses too much about my fishing...
Beautiful looking meal! Now I want scallops...
Get you some and try this. Thanks for the compliments!
That looks great

. Have fun on your fishing trip.
Thank you. We had fun, but the weather beat us up pretty good, especially the wind...
One of my favorite dishes.....

If it don't work out between you and the wife I'll marry you. What size boat you got..................
Thanks Joe. I'm sure you're cute, but...

That's one hell of a cook, great job Charles! RAY
Appreciate that Ray!!
Looks great Charles, like I mentioned before your seafood looks very good.
And Mona would love you big time for a feed of that.

Not me though.
I still love you just not for your shell fish, lol
Very good Charles
I get that, David. Thank you for the compliments!
Nice looking meal right there, I would be all over that for sure.
Appreciate that!!
thank you!
Great looking plate of nourishment there Charles and I'm sure everyone was happy!
Good luck on the trip !
Thanks Keith...
Wow. Great looking meal and family!
LoOove me some pan seared scallops and yours looked fantastic.
Thank you Eric!1
GS, Fine meal for a fine woman, good luck fishing!
Thanks CM!