- Dec 27, 2006
- 3
- 10
I am getting a 14# pork butt on Friday and it has a slab of fat on one side of it. I know that some fat needs to be left on it and have heard to smoke/cook it fat side up, but do I just leave a thin layer of fat or the whole thing? Also, at about 200-225 degrees, how long should it take to smoke/cook to get it to about 195 or 200 internal temp? I don't have a smoker yet so I will be doing this on my gas grill using a smoke box over the flame and placing the meat at the other end of the grill to cook it indirectly. I know that a smoker is best but I have done ribs and pork shoulders around 5# this way and they turn out great. I have just never done a 14# piece of meat.
Please feel free to give additional info you think I'll need.
Please feel free to give additional info you think I'll need.