Hi all I'm Frank and I live in Gold Canyon, use a Masterbuilt Mes 30. (yeh, I know it's issues) Interests are sausage, hams and general smoking. Love to hear from fellow smokers.
Hi Frank.
Hi all I'm Frank and I live in Gold Canyon, use a Masterbuilt Mes 30. (yeh, I know it's issues) Interests are sausage, hams and general smoking. Love to hear from fellow smokers.
Hey there Frank..... WHAT A coincidence..... I have a summer home in Overgaard myself. I currently have the Masterbuilt Duo Pro Gas smoker at my home in Overgaard.... I am up behind (not in) the Golf Course. I have the pellet smoker down here in Phoenix. So this summer I will be using the Masterbuilt smoker up there with some wood chips I have up there.
Hi Buck;
Sorry to take 5 plus days to get back. Guess I do have my brains in my smoke pit..........I have the infamous MES 30 Had to rip the electronics out and find a stand alone controller on-line. It's a little high tech for an old guy, just finishing up my first smoke since the conversion. Just Polish and hot dogs. The Daniel Boone is a real step up from my entry level MES. Do the pellets work out that much better?
Have a 5th wheel trailer up on the Rim in Overgaard and thinking about getting something to keep up there. My smoke ing so far has been the run of the mill sausage, ribs and a few hams using Pop's recipe. Oh I did do a pork butt, smoked all day. Never did taste it as I dropped in the dirt. We live in Gold Canyon just past AJ. Gotta run and check on the sausage and crack open another cold one. Talk to you soon Frank
HI Buck; Long time getting back, sorry. Yes it is a coincidence about Overgaard. You are on 1 side of the golf course and we are on the other side in Lazy L (back of the store) space 38. Won't be up there till May. The 5th wheel is parked there all year. The space rent is cheaper than storing it down here. I have an old Ford Explorer 4wd that I use to play in the forest, fun. It beats pounding both cars to death. Have no idea what I will get for a smoker. Are you pleased with the Masterbuilt Duo Pro?
Just wondering if w/o the electronics to go haywire that might be the one for me. Hope our paths do cross up there.
Take Care Frank
Hi Frank...well we have been up in Ogaard for about 4 days now.... and hope to spend most of the summer up here. Maybe when you get yourself settled in up here...we can have a face to face. Take care and keep in touch...
Hi Buck I have been off line for awhile, had other things to fix and what not. Weathers getting warm and time to head up to Overgaard. We are having a land line put in next week so I can stay up to speed. Would like to meet up one day. Frank
Hi Buck Well we went up to Overgaard and the tech from Frontier said he could not put one with more than 3 g's (no speed) in our park due to distance. Why did they not tell us that before? Any way we are coming up on or about May 17'th for a week or two. Would like to meet up for a face to face Frank
Bummer on your internet connection up here. Hooefully the weather will get a bit nicer.....while the temps up here have gotten to the 70's the wind is enough to blow you off the hill. The forecast is for cooler temps and windy for the next few days. Anyway..let me know when you get up the hill and we can chat. My email up here is:
Buck1-9-4-9ATf-r-o-ntier.com (just remove all the - dashes - and put in the @ sign instead of the AT).