Legendary Pitmaster
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★ Lifetime Premier ★
Jeff and the staff would like to thank you for your patience thru all of this as it was very painful
Most of you know now from the newsletter that we had a catastrophic failure at the datacenter that houses our servers. They were doing normal maintenance of a generator and it had a catastrophic failure. This lead to a fire in the facility. The sprinkler systems were activated. The data center staff isolated the power from the generator and the fire was extinguished. When the fire inspector came out he determined that power was to remain off for the whole facility. This led to emergency inspections from the city officials and a plan was put in place. Our server had to be rebuilt but our hard drives aka data was intact.
That being said the staff worked their butts off to get the server built. We got the server a few hours ago and our staff busted their asses to get the data migrated and back online.
We really appreciate everyone who weathered this with us. Now if there are any bugs that you see please report them and tag myself TulsaJeff Pineywoods hellasteph or any of the staff in it so we can fix any little issues that may come up.
We hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and smoke on.
Jeff and the staff would like to thank you for your patience thru all of this as it was very painful
Most of you know now from the newsletter that we had a catastrophic failure at the datacenter that houses our servers. They were doing normal maintenance of a generator and it had a catastrophic failure. This lead to a fire in the facility. The sprinkler systems were activated. The data center staff isolated the power from the generator and the fire was extinguished. When the fire inspector came out he determined that power was to remain off for the whole facility. This led to emergency inspections from the city officials and a plan was put in place. Our server had to be rebuilt but our hard drives aka data was intact.
That being said the staff worked their butts off to get the server built. We got the server a few hours ago and our staff busted their asses to get the data migrated and back online.
We really appreciate everyone who weathered this with us. Now if there are any bugs that you see please report them and tag myself TulsaJeff Pineywoods hellasteph or any of the staff in it so we can fix any little issues that may come up.
We hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and smoke on.