Here is a 18# fresh pork leg skin on. We will trim it up a bit, remove the aitchbone and about half of the skin to make chicharrones with. I will inject this ham only and not do any dry rub or cover pickle. See you in a couple of weeks.
Nope, it’s bagged for the cure. The injection, by its nature with all the holes in the meat leaks some, so always bag with this method.Following along. So.. uncovered in the fridge?
Good choice to get it done! Supposed to be snow, sleet, ice and all kinds of good weather headed this way tomorrow night into Sunday.Had to smoke the ham today as the weather forecast the next couple days is snow and wind so here we go with some sticks riding along. I will smoke in the big house for 4-5 hours then finish in the Mammoth vertical machine. I’ll update the progress.
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