We all know how greasy and baked on things can get on a rotisserie cook. Here's a couple tips that have worked for me when I clean the Octoforks.
I disassemble everything and soak in a degreaser like "MeanGreen" maybe 60/40 or 70/30 water to degreaser. Soak minimum 2-3 hours but overnight is even better. I also squeeze in some dish soap for good measure. Even the nuts and bolts need very little scrubbing, most everything rinses shiny clean with hot water and your hands. Some spots may need a light scrub with a scotch brite pad but not much effort.
Someone told me that they use Oxyclean and do an overnight soak and that works great for them! Hope these tips help you!
I disassemble everything and soak in a degreaser like "MeanGreen" maybe 60/40 or 70/30 water to degreaser. Soak minimum 2-3 hours but overnight is even better. I also squeeze in some dish soap for good measure. Even the nuts and bolts need very little scrubbing, most everything rinses shiny clean with hot water and your hands. Some spots may need a light scrub with a scotch brite pad but not much effort.
Someone told me that they use Oxyclean and do an overnight soak and that works great for them! Hope these tips help you!