Recteq or Grilla?

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I don’t have any experience with the GG other than research, but I do have a RT 1250 and it is a very nice cooker. I had an American made Memphis for over 10 years and the RT is right there with it at 1/2 the cost. I also have a baby GMG as well. The GMG does give a slightly better smoke profile but isn’t the same workhorse and the RT. I use my 1250 an average of 2-3 days a week burning about 800 lbs a year. It will hit 700 degrees easy (crazy hot) by the way. I would recommend the RT with high regards as the deck boss and all the new models have the same upgrades that the 1250 came with when I got it.
Not that it matters much but my db has a setting of 500 and then I think it flips to “max”. Is that higher than 500 civil?
Not that it matters much but my db has a setting of 500 and then I think it flips to “max”. Is that higher than 500 civil?
If I remember right my 1250 has temp settings up to 600 maybe 650 then it flips to max which is 700. Your Deck Boss will hit 700 ish degrees at max. Just be sure it’s clean and has clear space around it! I run it @550-600 with a pizza stone when I do pizza.
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Happy with my Weber Performer, but reading about Recteq this morning piqued my interest in a pellet grill. Could not find one anywhere in Phoenix, AZ. One would think the weather in the Phoenix area would be quite conducive to year round BBQ activity, but apparently the Recteq is only sold by Ace Hardware, and none of the local stores had one. As they say in the South, I wouldn't buy a pig in a poke regardless of the favorable reviews.
I have the RecTeq Bullseye. I am very happy with it as a pellet smoker. Great customer service and the only issue I have is the ignitor rod just went after 3 years. I do not use it as a grill....just doesn't work as well in my opinion even though it can go to about 700F
Happy with my Weber Performer, but reading about Recteq this morning piqued my interest in a pellet grill. Could not find one anywhere in Phoenix, AZ. One would think the weather in the Phoenix area would be quite conducive to year round BBQ activity, but apparently the Recteq is only sold by Ace Hardware, and none of the local stores had one. As they say in the South, I wouldn't buy a pig in a poke regardless of the favorable reviews.
Other than special events like the Ace, Recteq is a order factory direct deal. The only have two store locations. One in Lehi UT and the other in Evans GA.
Everyone has their opinions and rights to them. But I will say again, my RT experience has been second to none. The tuna works perfectly after almost a decade. I bought a weather cover for storage and one of the Velcro things seemed like it was coming unstitched. I emailed them and a new one was mailed the next day. When I have questions they are prompt and complete with a response.

I have read poor reviews of other companies as well where my experience is a 180 opposite. So 🤷‍♂️

Many happy Long time member here with Rec Teq’s. I used to read the Rec Teq forum and loads of happy people there too.
Have had rec Tec for about 7 years. No complaints at all and it out performs the traeger and gmc I had before it.
The 700 is a beast! Ive probably had mine a little longer than you but im guessing. I was on their site just to see what’s new. The 700 is no longer. But the new ones look pretty nice!
The 700 is a beast! Ive probably had mine a little longer than you but im guessing. I was on their site just to see what’s new. The 700 is no longer. But the new ones look pretty nice!
It is a beast. Runs like a Rolex. I think the flagship 1000 is pretty much the rebranded 700.
Ate in a BBQ joint in Keene NH that was really good, better than any I have had in NC. They where running 2 RT 2500 for the smoke. Funny thing is the name of the place was called Guerrilla
Happy with my Weber Performer, but reading about Recteq this morning piqued my interest in a pellet grill. Could not find one anywhere in Phoenix, AZ. One would think the weather in the Phoenix area would be quite conducive to year round BBQ activity, but apparently the Recteq is only sold by Ace Hardware, and none of the local stores had one. As they say in the South, I wouldn't buy a pig in a poke regardless of the favorable reviews.
The Recteq map shows 4 ACE dealer locations in your general area . Maybe someone has them in stock.
I have been to the Evans, GA HQ and there are very well built and top quality.
Don't own on but attest to their products!

Keith Screenshot_20240302_145609_Chrome.jpg
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Recteq 100%! I have an RT700, zero issues with it. I've owned a Louisiana smoker and a Pit Boss and had more problems than a Ford Pinto. As far as smokiness I find pellet brand makes all the difference, I swear by Lumberjack pellets. Just my .02$
Recteq 100%! I have an RT700, zero issues with it. I've owned a Louisiana smoker and a Pit Boss and had more problems than a Ford Pinto. As far as smokiness I find pellet brand makes all the difference, I swear by Lumberjack pellets. Just my .02$
Agree 100%! Lumberjack competition blend is what I use for everthang. I tried a few others that were ok, but I didnt like them enough to stop trying others till I found the LJ I loved. Pellet brand and type makes a difference!
I just want to point out that whenever you add electronics and moving parts into the mix. There will always be a chance of something going south, and it usually happens at the most inopportune time. It's a chance that everyone has to be willing to accept when using these types of smokers. Just pray that you don't get one made/assembled on a Friday.

I drug my feet and missed out on a Grilla chimp a couple days ago. Great shape and $300. Was going back and forth between rectec and chimp. Kind of thinking grilla chimp will be the one for me. Camping
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I drug my feet and missed out on a Grilla chimp a couple days ago. Great shape and $300. Was going back and forth between rectec and chimp. Kind of thinking grilla chimp will be the one for me. Camping
I'm new to the forum and just thought I'd throw in my 2 cents. I have had a Grilla Chimp for a couple years now. I absolutely love it. My only issue is that I wish I had another larger smoker from time to time. I do have a Weber kettle grill and Weber gas grill that I converted to a griddle, but I do the majority of my cooks on the Grilla. I've taken it to the lake and it travels really well, but it is heavy.

The customer service is incredible. I first saw them on Facebook and messaged them a few questions and the owner messaged me back several times. When the controller went out due to my dumb a$$ trying to power it with a crappy inverter off my Jeep's 12v lighter, they sent me a new one without asking a question. I was just out of warranty, too.

The quality/gauge of the stainless steel has to be appreciated in person. This is truly a quality product. I've cooked ribs, salmon, wings, burgers, pork chops, a few butts, some tri-tip, and everything has been delicious with solid, visible smoke rings.

Anyway, whatever direction you went, I hope you're happy with it and get many years of enjoyment!
Hey, team. I've narrowed down my choices to 3 smokers. I'm leaning towards the Grilla OG because of all the positive reviews and it sounds like the cream of their line up. However, I'm also considering the Recteq Deck Boss or Bullseye because of the high temp searing/grilling/pizza making ability. Recteq totally let me down in the past with their overrated customer service (I'm not here to go into that), but was wondering if anyone had experience with these models and hopefully help me make a choice. I'm attracted to round smoke chambers for a smokier profile but there's a lot of complaints on the Bullseye being flimsy and cheaply made. My concern about the Grilla OG is that it tops out around 450 and I was hoping for an all-in-one machine. If it got hotter it would be a slam dunk for me and I wouldn't even be considering a WreckTeq. Please share thoughts. Thanks!

*please note my profile says I'm a newb. I am not. I'm a professional chef and I've been smoking meat going on 20 years.
Hello Coldrice. I am looking at Grillagrills, and I have been a recteq user for years. If you go recteq I recommend the deckboss. Personally I think the Bullseye needs to prove itself. The reason I came to grillagrills is they have the Wi-Fi on the tailgate model. Recteq dropped Wi-Fi from there tailgate model . is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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