I'm smoking a couple racks of baby backs tomorrow. From watching Steven Raichlen's Planet Barbecue series last summer, he visited a joint in San Antonio that sprayed cherry syrup on their baby backs.
Cherry on baby backs is right down my alley. I think cherry and baby backs are like peanut butter and jelly. I'm thinking considering using this method on one rack tomorrow.
But ............ I've always been cautious about putting sugar on meats, that the sugar would burn. I thought saucing should be done at the end of the cook. And I'm having second thoughts about trying this.
Any thoughts ? I've got a bottle of Torani cherry syrup
Here's the recipe from Raichlen's site, its pretty simple, just rub the ribs and then spray cherry syrup a minimum of three times .
Here is the episode on PBS , the baby back segment starts at 9:11 mark
Cherry baby backs
Cherry on baby backs is right down my alley. I think cherry and baby backs are like peanut butter and jelly. I'm thinking considering using this method on one rack tomorrow.
But ............ I've always been cautious about putting sugar on meats, that the sugar would burn. I thought saucing should be done at the end of the cook. And I'm having second thoughts about trying this.
Any thoughts ? I've got a bottle of Torani cherry syrup
Here's the recipe from Raichlen's site, its pretty simple, just rub the ribs and then spray cherry syrup a minimum of three times .
Here is the episode on PBS , the baby back segment starts at 9:11 mark
Cherry baby backs