Well wally you beat me to my suggestion.
I was going to say you can do a summer sausage "fatty". Fatties are ground meat (usually sausage) that is rolled flat, filled with veggies, cheese, and whatever you want, rolled, then usually wrapped in bacon and smoked. That would have been a good use.
I was also going to suggest you fry it in a skillet like burger meat and then add sauce for some amazing sloppy joe-like sandwich dishes. I do this when my father and his buddies attempt to make summer sausage. They never get it right but for them its more of a retired guy get together than an act of creating good summer sausage. Theirs always crumbles so it is great for sloppy joe-like sandwiches and is actually really awesome when done this way hahahah. I use bbq sauce to make bbq sloppys with their crumble sausage.
You can form into patties and grill for something that tastes like a hot dog/burger hybrid. I do it sometimes with my leftover frank sausage and snack stick meat.
Finally, I was going to suggest you simply bag it and use it when you need a little extra sausage kick for dishes like spaghetti sauce, taco meat, soups, and beans.
As for ground jerky, I think the fat content is way too high. I do ground meat jerky and snack sticks, and going over 12% fat content makes greasier jerky that takes a bit more baby sitting then I care for with my ground jerky and sticks.
Oh one last thing, if you get some silicon mats you you should have no problem doing summer sausage logs or a loaf without the worry of the meat falling through the racks. I have 5 of the mats and use them in my MES40 on like every smoke. It makes life easier and cleaning a little simpler since you can wash in the machine and stuff washes off very easily. Never fear of anything like wings falling through the bars of the rack!
Anyhow I hope this gives some ideas and I look forward to hearing more about your sausage adventures!