Tornado warnings be dammed, we're smoking anyway! Yesterday the boy and I smoked a pork butt that turned out wonderfull. We thought we might have to deal with a little rain but instead ended up watching for tornados. The morning started around 9 am. I took the roast out of the fridge where it had been resting over night all rubbed up and waiting to be smoked. I let it come up to room temp and sprinkled on a bit more rub while the boy was getting the smoker all ready. Then I put on the roast and headed out to a bridal shower which was cut short by the sherrifs department evacuating us to a nearby shelter. Meanwhile back at the ranch the boy had to move the smoker into the garage to aviod the rains and winds but luckily did not have to seek out shelter in the basement. So we smoked on. I finally made it home to cook up some side dishes of Potatoes Au Gratin, Corn, and Fresh Bread. We took the roast out at about 165 or so and sliced it up for serving. I also whiped up a BBQ sauce the day before. It tasted just fine but is real runny so the next batch is going to get a bit of corn starch to thincken it up I think. All in all a good weekend and thankfully we missed the tornadoes.