Salt, Cane and Maple Sugar (100% Maple Syrup), Sodium Nitrite (1%).
As best I can, I will explain how to use this "Turkey cure" as a dry rub to your bacon.....
cure#1 is 6.25% nitrite... This stuff is 1% nitrite...
Therefore 6.25/1 = 6.25 X the amount of Turkey Cure is necessary for the proper amount of nitrite to cure the meat..
cure#1 is used at a rate of ~1.1 grams per pound for ~ 150 Ppm.....
Dry rub bacon can accept up to 200 Ppm nitrite according to the USDA....
So, knowing that, to get the correct amount of cure for your bacon, 1.1 X 6.25 = ~6.9 grams of Turkey Cure / per pound of meat will satisfy the cure needs...
My bellies are ~5#'s each and ~6.9 grams will return ~ 150 Ppm cure...
200/150 X 6.9 = ~46 grams of Turkey cure for ~200 Ppm nitrite...
Minimum amount of nitrite = ~120 Ppm nitrite would be .... 120/150 X 6.9 grams = 5.5 grams of Turkey cure to meet the minimum requirement for nitrite, according to the USDA...
There is a lot of leeway to keep the bacon in the safe zone.... No worries....
The Maple adds a nice flavor to the bacon....
I have requested the %Salt in the Turkey Cure from Walton's, and will report their response when I receive it..
I too use a 1% nitrite commercial mix...
To those that miss the flavor of "slab bacon" that was readily available in the meat markets up until the 1960's, here's my adaptation to that great flavor... It's still available at niche markets at a ridiculous price.... The commercial mix I have been using is nowhere to be found.... I did...