Not sure this is the correct forum, but thought I’d give it a shot.
Looking for a recommendation for a new smoker. Currently running an old school mes40. I love it, mainly because it used to be my dad’s, before he got a camp chef pellet deal. (Quite honestly I think this one performs better).
I think the wife might want to get me one for Christmas this year. So before she asks if thought I’d inquire here.
I’ve had a dual fuel (propane/charcoal), and I’ve done the Weber grill thing with charcoal. Of all of those I like the mes40 best.
The best ideas would be something she could get on Amazon (she loves this) or the local ace hardware, they sell treagor, big green egg, etc. or Home Depot/Lowe’s that seem to concentrate on masterbuilt.
I’ve heard the treagors are nice but my dad’s camp chef seems a dud. There is a lot of smoke leakage around the door—seems by design there is no seal (though treagor seems identical).
It also seems that a lot use pellets? I’m kinda partial to chips, but I can see the advantage there.
My requirements are pretty simple, not a lot of babysitting, and something that can remain in the elements year round (with a cover). I prefer chips but I can change. I also like gadgetry. Throw a touch screen in there, remote control from my phone…anything like that and I’m down. I’m a geek like that.
Any suggestions? Something under $1k would be nice, closer to $500 would make it more likely I might get it lol.
Looking for a recommendation for a new smoker. Currently running an old school mes40. I love it, mainly because it used to be my dad’s, before he got a camp chef pellet deal. (Quite honestly I think this one performs better).
I think the wife might want to get me one for Christmas this year. So before she asks if thought I’d inquire here.
I’ve had a dual fuel (propane/charcoal), and I’ve done the Weber grill thing with charcoal. Of all of those I like the mes40 best.
The best ideas would be something she could get on Amazon (she loves this) or the local ace hardware, they sell treagor, big green egg, etc. or Home Depot/Lowe’s that seem to concentrate on masterbuilt.
I’ve heard the treagors are nice but my dad’s camp chef seems a dud. There is a lot of smoke leakage around the door—seems by design there is no seal (though treagor seems identical).
It also seems that a lot use pellets? I’m kinda partial to chips, but I can see the advantage there.
My requirements are pretty simple, not a lot of babysitting, and something that can remain in the elements year round (with a cover). I prefer chips but I can change. I also like gadgetry. Throw a touch screen in there, remote control from my phone…anything like that and I’m down. I’m a geek like that.
Any suggestions? Something under $1k would be nice, closer to $500 would make it more likely I might get it lol.