Hi there and welcome!
I fear the chips would no longer be a viable option since the burner doesn't run full blast for long periods of time like the stock MES controller does. The PID would pulse power on/off just enough to maintain temp so no 100% burner run for long periods of time to light chips.
The A-Maze-N Pellet Smoker (
AMNPS) tray or tube is what most of us use with the MES regardless of the controller (stock or PID). The
AMNPS and pellets cannot be beat. Since you run an MES30 the tray may or may not give you issues inside the MES. HOWEVER, a mailbox mod isn't hard to create and the guys that have had issues with the trays in the MES30 (that have reached out to me directly) seem to have the issue fixed with a mailbox mod using the
AMNPS tray.
Heck there is no beating 12 hours of perfect smoke UNATTENDED with the AMNPS tray and pellets so it only makes life easier
Finally, I second going with an Auber Plug n Play vs building your own PID if this is your first time around. If you want to build a full PID controller then be sure you get a proper Solid State Relay (SSR), wiring in a fuse is a good idea, I would recommend you go with cord relief grommets and cannabilize a 14-16 AWG extension chord (or 10-12 AWG) over using project box outlets/sockets, use 10-16AWG wiring to wire it all, use a 30A or better switch definitely not from China unless you want it to melt (went through three 20 amp ones from China that melted after a while myself) and get a project box that holds it all well.
The project box was the most annoying part for me because I couldn't find one in proper dimensions for what I wanted and they are inexplicably expensive!
Having done both routes, I usually recommend buying the Auber plug and play models because they are easier to deal with AND in the end if you start from scratching needing to buy all parts, components, and tools you don't really save any money building a PID controller. If you have the tools, components, and some parts lying around and TIME then you can save some money building one :)
Best of luck!