Close call right there!!
Back in 2008 ish, my buddy and I were out one evening after work doing some preseason work to our duck blind. The sky south of us was getting a little sporty, so we headed the boat back to the ramp. On our way back to my house we encountered white out rain and wind and I just stopped in the road hoping the boat was still back there when it was over. Once it cleared, we continued home and it looked like nothing happened there. However, about half way up my driveway it turns to the right and in the yard is my buddies 4' ladder which had been in his truck parked by the house. Then when i pull the truck n trailer around, his quickie saw is laying on the concrete in front of garage right side up. It had gotten dark by this point and we blew it off as a my FIL messing with us as he sometimes would do.
Fast forward to 930 the next morning and my phone blows up with pics of his truck! Turns out the trampoline rolled across the back yard, up and over his truck, tossing out the saw, carrying the ladder with it down the driveway and hitting every single curved part of his truck( bedside, cab, fenders etc) then rolled or flew or whatever down into our woods! Trampoline was tethered to a home made swing set after that! We still joke about the "trampo truck" and text go back forth when we are experiencing "inclimate weather"!