well said..........Please post the current recipe you are using and the cooking methods you are using. Somebody may have a suggestion to get you where you want to go. That's the only way I can see to give you the solid guidance you are looking for.
Please follow a tested recipe.
It can be dangerous drawing generalities without knowing how you will handle the product, how long you will cure it for and how much cure you intend to use.
The Summer Sausage Recipe I have (pg 406 Marianski book) calls for
Grind all ingrediants and stuff the casings
Ferment for 24 hrs at 86 degrees
warm smoke 110 degrees for 6 hours
Raise temp and smoke until internal 140 is obtained
Dry for 3 days at 70-60 degrees if desired
Sausage can be stored at 50 - 59 degrees and 75% humidity
It calls for the product to be at room temp for 24 hours then on the low smoke for 6 hours and what another 2 or three hours to get to internal 140?
Follow a recipe until you get familiar with the process and results. When you become comfortable with what you are doing you will have a lot of lattitude to develop your own tastes and styles.
Just my advice, I'm not the sausage police.
What Al says.Why not tell us what you are doing now so we know where to start? We cold smoke bacon for anywhere from 12 to 48 hours without any problems. Dealing with a ground meat, stuffed sausage is a bit different because the bad bugs are introduced throughout the sausage and not just the outside as with bacon or whole cuts of meat.
If you do not have a summer sausage you are happy with and you have followed the recipes offered on this site by people that make good summer sausage you may be looking for something beside summer sausage.
Please post the current recipe you are using and the cooking methods you are using. Somebody may have a suggestion to get you where you want to go. That's the only way I can see to give you the solid guidance you are looking for.
Down Low asked about Summer Sausage
The recipes I am familiar with treat summer sausage as a fermented sausage
I checked and the recipe I alluded to does indeed use Cure 1. It is posted in the fermented sausages section and does require a F-LC culture. Teewurst is cured for 48 hours at 64 degrees, Thuringer is cured for 24 hours at 86 degrees, Pepperoni (fast fermented - semi dry) is cured at 100 degrees for 24 hours all use Cure 1 and added cultures. The time after smoking when drying at room temps is limited to a matter of 2 - 4 days. In fermented sausages the cure 1 is basically a way to slow the spread of bad bugs until the innoculated culture can change the pH of the product (outside of survivable range) and the amount of moisture available (the water is chemically bound and not available) to the bugs.
Most smoked non-fermented sausage calls for curing at room temp for a couple of hours and then smoking. Storage is in the refrigerator
Some of the recipes that call for Cure 2 Cold Smoked Polish, Russian Sausage, Salamis, Pepperoni (slow fermented and dry) call for cure times in the 68 degree range for 3 - 8 days and then drying in a cool place (58-65) degrees for up to several months and may or may not required a fermenting culture
I know it is clear as mud. That is why I don't want to make specific recommendations on how long Cure 1 will keep a product safe in a slow smoke. Just too many variables. I do know that Nitrites dissipate fairly quickly, as little as 3 or 4 days depending on temp during the cure process thus the reason for using Cure 2 in the longer cure recipes. As noted before the nitrates in cure 2 require bacterial action to produce the nitrite. The effect of curing on a whole piece of meat (bacon) is different then in a commingled product like sausage, further complicating the estimate of times between recipes.
Nitrite is reduced to NO by temp and moisture. This is what kills the bad guys and protects the product
Nitrate is reduced to nitrite by microbial activity and moisture This does nothing to protect the product, the next step Nitrite to NO is the curative agent.
I am simply not comfortable enough with the resources available to me to hazard an answer to the question "how long does cure 1 extend the life of a product in a slow smoker". I have some food safety paperwork that may be a bit more specific but that information is normally discussing the amount of time in storage after preparation.
Great post Al !!Down Low asked about Summer Sausage
The recipes I am familiar with treat summer sausage as a fermented sausage
I checked and the recipe I alluded to does indeed use Cure 1. It is posted in the fermented sausages section and does require a F-LC culture. Teewurst is cured for 48 hours at 64 degrees, Thuringer is cured for 24 hours at 86 degrees, Pepperoni (fast fermented - semi dry) is cured at 100 degrees for 24 hours all use Cure 1 and added cultures. The time after smoking when drying at room temps is limited to a matter of 2 - 4 days. In fermented sausages the cure 1 is basically a way to slow the spread of bad bugs until the innoculated culture can change the pH of the product (outside of survivable range) and the amount of moisture available (the water is chemically bound and not available) to the bugs.
Most smoked non-fermented sausage calls for curing at room temp for a couple of hours and then smoking. Storage is in the refrigerator
Some of the recipes that call for Cure 2 Cold Smoked Polish, Russian Sausage, Salamis, Pepperoni (slow fermented and dry) call for cure times in the 68 degree range for 3 - 8 days and then drying in a cool place (58-65) degrees for up to several months and may or may not required a fermenting culture
I know it is clear as mud. That is why I don't want to make specific recommendations on how long Cure 1 will keep a product safe in a slow smoke. Just too many variables. I do know that Nitrites dissipate fairly quickly, as little as 3 or 4 days depending on temp during the cure process thus the reason for using Cure 2 in the longer cure recipes. As noted before the nitrates in cure 2 require bacterial action to produce the nitrite. The effect of curing on a whole piece of meat (bacon) is different then in a commingled product like sausage, further complicating the estimate of times between recipes.
Nitrite is reduced to NO by temp and moisture. This is what kills the bad guys and protects the product
Nitrate is reduced to nitrite by microbial activity and moisture This does nothing to protect the product, the next step Nitrite to NO is the curative agent.
I am simply not comfortable enough with the resources available to me to hazard an answer to the question "how long does cure 1 extend the life of a product in a slow smoker". I have some food safety paperwork that may be a bit more specific but that information is normally discussing the amount of time in storage after preparation.