the looks pretty similar to our site's wiki on that topic!
Holy crap! I am blown away by Poli's site. There is certainly a ton of information there. You couple that with Rytek's book, the info on this site, and a person sure has a lot of knowledge at thier fingertips.
Here is the response that I received from
Dear Mike:
Thank you for writing the USDA's Meat and Poultry Hotline.
When smoking meats we recommend that the oven temperature stay between 225 and 300 °F throughout the cooking process.
We have more information on smoking at:
We don’t have specific information about smoking summer sausage. We recommend that home-made jerky be used within one year.
You may wish to contact our technical staff via AskFSIS for information on making summer sausage. You can contact them via AskFSIS:
Meat and Poultry Hotline Webmaster
To speak to a Food Safety Specialist,
call the Hotline at 1-888-674-6854
[email protected]