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I don't do much as far as smoking but I sure can eat.
I am deejaydebi's partner and figured if I can't find herI should go looking for her. I also got a bit curious when she was giggling while reading here.
You'll soon see why this is the greatest forum on the net and why I spend all my free time here! Folks just don't come any friendlier or more helpful than these!
Welcome Jessie50!!!!!! You got one heck of a gal there, sure is good to hear you are an eater, and a well fed one at that I bet!!! Very glad you decided to join in the fun
welcome jessie......being debi's partner I'm very surprised you are not into smoking, sausage making, cheese making, guitar playing etc........ heck she has most of us already hooked on these things!!!
My jobs are holding the cover while she adds more wood, turning the handle to crank out sausages, stiring the milk till cheese happens and keeping my hands off her guitars.
Thank you one and all for the warm welcome. Since Debi does all the smoking and I just follow directions I have been looking around so I can figure out what the heck she is talking about. "fatties"?????
Jessie, a fattie is a big ole sausage chub that's smoked. Usually about a pound. For instance, you unwrap a Jimmy Dean bulk sausage and put it in the smoker and it automatically becomes a fattie. It is also fun to make your own fatties.
Jeez, I'd figure a person of your talents (holding the cover, turning the handle, stirring the milk), you would at least be allowed to dust off them gitfiddles once or twice in awhile!!
you know it's been bugging me for a day or so.....but your avatar......are you trying, and I say say.....your a prince but waiting for debi to kiss you to get out of the frog stage??????
It is actually a gecko that we found at the airport in Hawaii. He was just sitting there posing for us. I'm not sure I want to be a frog on this forum. Can you smoke frog legs?