If anyone is interested in trying some dried Habanero peppers in their BBQ , I have a mason jar full of dried Habaneros that I grew and dried at home. I also have a mason jar full of homemade Habanero Death Dust which consists of crushed whole dried Habaneros (seeds and all) which is SO hot that I'll never be able to use it all in two lifetimes. If anyone is interested in having any of either (or some of both) of these pepper items , just shoot me a PM on the forum and I will happily mail you some.
The whole peppers are easily reconstituted and the crushed stuff is so potent that literally a pinch as small as your little fingernail can heat up a whole crockpot of chili.....I'm not lyin'.
The whole peppers are easily reconstituted and the crushed stuff is so potent that literally a pinch as small as your little fingernail can heat up a whole crockpot of chili.....I'm not lyin'.