Been lacking motivation lately and had these ready to bottle for a couple weeks now. Finally got around to designing the garlic fire label and finishing these today. As some of you may have read my first batch of REDRUM was trashed when I dropped the box and cracked all the bottles. Started a new batch as Id really liked it as did my buddy. Red Savine habanero and reaper really put out the heat but the flavor is excellent. The Garlic Fire is a new one using the small amount of White Zan Coyote peppers I grew along with some local hot white block peppers I was gifted. Lots of garlic added post ferment. My buddy and his son have all my sauces back years and they are in love with this one. I may have to try growing more of the coyote this year. Yield was really low though. I still have Mean Green to bottle along with some Chile Lime. I was really bummed that I lost my chocolate habanero ferment. It's the first one I've ever lost. It bubbled over twice to an inch of dry ay top and developed a touch of mold. I'm ultra cautious so into the trash it went. I on on growing a lot more chocolate havs this year. Hoping I can muster some motivation to do the others this week. Have just really struggled with that lately. Here are a couple pics and thanks for looking.