Tis the season to stock up on rib roasts, $4.97lb here at the Kroger affiliate. I scored two whole-in-the-bag USDA choice, and will break them down into steaks, small roasts, and some racks of ribs, all set for awhile. RAY
yeah when I go back I am asking them to not cut the ribs off, will also make it easier on them. Then I can cut them as thick as I want for dino ribs.Yeah Dave, I went back to back and scored early! I've developed a good repour with the butchers at my local Fry's market. They know I make sausage and smoke my own bacon and hams, and they actually love it when someone requests on sale steaks be cut thicker than what's in the display case. When T-bones came on sale at $4.77lb I had a dozen cut 1&3/4" thick, said no rush, I'll come back in a couple of hours to pick them up. I live close. Makes a difference, what they cut for me looks more like a Porterhouse. RAY
Tell the butcher you'd like "whole-in-the-bag" Clif, only way to go. That way to get the meat just as it comes to the market, never been opened. Most often I'll just toss them right in the freezer and break them down at my convenience, I don't mind a little extra fat, they always want to take too much off. RAYyeah when I go back I am asking them to not cut the ribs off, will also make it easier on them. Then I can cut them as thick as I want for dino ribs.
I like a nice big thick juicy steak and 1800 calories in 1 shot wrecks things for me hahah
Agreed. I'm saving up to go wild on mother's homemade tamales! That's my target to go nuts on :DBut it's Christmas... One time is not gonna hurt
Agreed. I'm saving up to go wild on mother's homemade tamales! That's my target to go nuts on :D
CliffSame place I got the rib roasts they had brisket at only $8.99 lb...lol
I am lucky my FIL has a unused chest freezer in his garage that I can use, he winters in FL so I just fill it up with these. Vac seal the steaks and I will be eating good for a long while.I picked up a 2# rib roast at Publix the other day for $5.97 pp. Only 3 of us right now and the other 2 are not fond of the red from a properly cooked rib roast.
I'm central Florida for the winter. I haven't seen it that low back in Minnesota in many years even on Holiday sales.
I would love to get a big rack as many posted, but I am almost out of freezer space and we don't go through meat that fast.
As you mentioned in a different thread ... "welcome to New York"?
Count your blessing getting the racks under $5 pp
I know the feeling. We'll have around 17 people and a couple of them don't like it red and I've already told them it will be rare to medium rare. I said it can always be cooked more, but can't be uncooked.2 are not fond of the red from a properly cooked rib roast.
Our daughter and her husband have the same and I keep a stash of stuff in it, too...I am lucky my FIL has a unused chest freezer in his garage that I can use
All that different meat and desert is looking really good! Very nice that you are teaching the younger folk how to cook, a skill they will be glad they have!