Grill mat

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Original poster
Jan 4, 2011
I have looked in several stores for a grill mat to place my smoker on but I have not been able to find one, probably not the best time of year to try to buy one.  I can order one online, but I am planning on my first smoke this weekend (tomorrow actually) and it won't be here in time.  I have a large front porch where I plan on putting the smoker.  It is cement and brick so fire won't be a problem.  My concern is what will drip onto the cement.  Is there anything I can use until I can get an appropriate grill mat?
Some Auto Parts stores carry "Drip Pans" for catching leaks under vehicles and some of them are metal and they should work pretty well. The drip pans have rolled edges and will catch and hold anything that drips
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My smoker is on my covered back porch and it hasn't affected the ceiling at all.  I had some fire resistant sheet rock left over from building the house, so that's what I set mine on.
check out home depo, lowes or menarads..i always see grill mats there.
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I have gone thru about 3 gallons of concrete cleaner in the last year alone. Hmm maybe it is time for me to look too

You can find those pads like jerry (pineywoods) mentioned. There you can also find this stuff called purple stuff. It's a cleaner that could clean strios off a zebra if you wanted. It will clean off anything that you might get onto your concrete floor. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.