Ok, I usually dont freeze meats often. But with prices going up, having a larger family, and some of the newer vacuum sealers. I might start buying larger cuts on sale, butchering them up, sealing them, and freezing to use withing a 2-4 month window.
Wanted to see who uses a good vacuum sealer, and freezes meats on regular basis?
Do you notice in real difference in flavor and/or texture..... especially in steaks, like cowboy rib eyes?
Hi there and welcome!
I don't know if I have any vacseal meat last more than 2 years before it's eaten but I have no doubt it would be fine with my vac sealed results.
So like the others are reporting, you will seen no difference.
As for vac sealers I suggest getting a real one which will unfortunately run you $350+
Vac sealers are notorious for being pieces of junk and simply failing at any point after 4 to 100 uses in many cases.
I rock a Weston Pro 2100 since 2012 or so and bit the bullet getting it after two $200+ Food Saver vac sealers could not handle my hunting processing and crapped out on me.
I will process anywhere from 4 to 14 deer and pigs in a year and most at one sitting with the vac sealer. The Weston Pro 2100 can go nonstop and just works.
I think the only other known good quality suction (not chamber) sealer in the game atm is the LEM MaxVac. I love the idea of a chamber sealer but the slow speed and the giant size are enough for me to not have gotten one.
Lots of little inexpensive ones on the market but if you are talking about doing any real amount (50-100 seals a year) then it's best to buy once and cry once.
Also if you end up grinding meat you can vac seal but it's easier to stuff into 1 pound poly bags and tape seal them. At this point you are full blown in the mix of things (grinder, bag sealer, vac sealer, and likely a sausage stuffer too).
I hope this info helps :D