Hello all. I am new to the forum but have been having this trouble for years, maybe some have seen the same issues. I make large batches of certain meats. Lots of bologna and soppressetta each year, over 1000lbs. For years I have tried to make sticks with my stuffers and I have sealing issues with the stuffer o-rings. I have 2 15 lb stuffers that are identical but have different names on them. One is an older one from Grizzly (maybe 20 years old) and another is Kitchener (maybe 5 years old). They have heavy metal drums and big black gears on them for hand cranking. I have seen many of the identical type but different names. I think one is LEM. I have bought several different o-rings to replace them to no avail. Is there a trick to get a thinker one somewhere, different material? I can't seem to be able to press snack sticks for anything. I recently found a kielbasa recipe and absolutely LOVE it. I tried to stuff it and ended up using a stuffing horn on my grinder which worked but is very slow and changed the texture plus just wouldn't stuff tight enough for me. They were 19mm casings. I went up to 26mm casings thinking it would help but it didn't. I get a little leaking by the seal but the main issue is the seal actually jumping out of the channel its designed to stay in and then the meat comes pouring out! It doesn't happen at the same point on the drum leaning towards a dent or something at a certain point. It doesn't even happen front to back, it just blows out all of a sudden. We have tried turning slower, helps a little but still blows 3 times per 15 lb load. To undo it, you have to uncrank the whole thing, reseat the o-ring and wipe off the meat. HUGE PITA. Any help would be great. If it matters, I make 25 lb batches of meat (15 deer-10 pork) and they have 5 lbs of cheese in too. The mixture is very stiff. I've doulbed the amount of water this last time and tried my 4th new o-ring.... no good. I'm up to about a quart of ice water per batch. By the way I don't have this trouble almost ever with the larger stuffing horns for bologna or soppresstta.