Did my first Pork but overnight. A small 4#er. I was also experimenting with some new Fruitawood since I was having a bit of trouble with cheap big box wood combusting a bit during the smoke causing some periods of nasty, acrid grey smoke in my SMokin-It #2.
Rubbed her down early afternoon, wrapped it and put in the fridge. At 9pm popped her in the SI #2 at a setting of 225. Watched it a bit and enjoyed the best smelling smoke I have ever smelled coming from 1 chunk of Mesquite and 2 small chinks of Peach from Fruitawood. Put a probe in at midnight and went to bed.
I awoke late at around 8am and turned on my remote thermo and it read 198*. I had some chicken I wanted to put on so my plan was to wrap the but so I could put a fresh chunk of wood for the chicken and leave the but in wrapped until it hit 205 or so.
As I went to remove the butt to wrap, she almost fell apart. So I put it in a foil pan and brought her in. She was done perfectly. Beautiful bark and super moist and falling apart.
As it turns out the wood was still very usable so I just left it in there and popped in the chicken and kicked the heat up to the 240 range and TBS was a coming.
BTW-Fruitawood is the absolute bomb. Totally worth it. Unbelievably aromatic and fragrant. The peach actually smells like peach when you open the box and smell it. The TBS it produced is almost like a wonderful incense.
Couple pics of the butt:
Rubbed her down early afternoon, wrapped it and put in the fridge. At 9pm popped her in the SI #2 at a setting of 225. Watched it a bit and enjoyed the best smelling smoke I have ever smelled coming from 1 chunk of Mesquite and 2 small chinks of Peach from Fruitawood. Put a probe in at midnight and went to bed.
I awoke late at around 8am and turned on my remote thermo and it read 198*. I had some chicken I wanted to put on so my plan was to wrap the but so I could put a fresh chunk of wood for the chicken and leave the but in wrapped until it hit 205 or so.
As I went to remove the butt to wrap, she almost fell apart. So I put it in a foil pan and brought her in. She was done perfectly. Beautiful bark and super moist and falling apart.
As it turns out the wood was still very usable so I just left it in there and popped in the chicken and kicked the heat up to the 240 range and TBS was a coming.
BTW-Fruitawood is the absolute bomb. Totally worth it. Unbelievably aromatic and fragrant. The peach actually smells like peach when you open the box and smell it. The TBS it produced is almost like a wonderful incense.
Couple pics of the butt: