First Brisket this weekend

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Original poster
Jun 7, 2011
Clayton, NC
Hey all,

I have not bought my smoker yet but I plan on using my dad's Chargriller Pro with SFB this weekend to smoke a 6 lb flat.  I have done quite a bit of searching and reading but I was wondering if there is anyone with the same setup that might be able to help me avoid any common mistakes.  My thought is to take the Brisket out of the freezer tonight and let it thaw all day tomorrow.  Tomorrow night or Thursday I will lather it up with French's yellow mustard and put a good meat rub on it.  I bought my dad a Maverick Et-732 for Father's day that I plan on using when we smoke this brisket.  I also got him an AMAZE-N-SMOKER.  Can I use the ANS and the SFB or is it an either or proposition?  What else do I need to know about the brisket?  I see that most folks recommend cooking to 190 IT and double wrapping in aluminum foil and then towels and putting in a cooler for a hr or so.  This is a 100% grass fed brisket if that matters.


Welcome to SMF. I suggest you go over to Roll Call and introduce yourself and get that world famous SMF welcome. Also the search bar up top there is a wealth of info. Almost every question has been asked here and there are plenty of answers pertaining to your subject. Sounds like you're on the right track. The amazn smoker needs good airflow to stay lit. Sometimes it goes out when I use it in conjunction with my SFB. Or all the dust burns too quick because of the heat. Since you have an SFB why not use chunks of smoking wood instead? For cooking a brisket be sure to allow at least 1 1/2 to 2 hrs per pound at 225. If you get a bad stall it may be even longer. Most folks will take it to 165 then foil and take it to 190 then cooler it. If you want to pull it instead of slicing take it to 205. Some more experts will be along to add to this I'm sure.
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