Being a Mod on other forums i have found that when the forum gets to many sub forums and posting areas it gets to busy and folks loose interest.
I started a thread a while back that is a pretty good read.
And YES I would love a Sous vide sub forum.
Better yet a whole section dedicated to other forms of cooking then sous vide, discada, trail cooking, spit cooking, cooking in ground, Schwenking, Hearth cooking, etc... as sub forums.
Thanks BrianIll get it built today or tomorrow. Stay tuned.
Being a Mod on other forums i have found that when the forum gets to many sub forums and posting areas it gets to busy and folks loose interest.
There are a few smoking/bbq forums still around but activity has dropped off. Could it be because of too much stuff? Or is social media hurting the forums?
Just saying
I like being able to come to one site and see multiple cook methods. Especially ones that go hand in hand.
If you don't want to read the non-smoking non-bbqing sub forums don't open them.
By having a sub forum it gives you a choice to not read about Sous Vide, or Discada, or Cast Iron.
Right now the sous Vide users have to post in the BBQ forums. That muddies the waters.
this forum started out as a BBQ and meat smoking forum but its fast becoming just another cooking forum, im on about 10 of those already
why not just start a group ? it serves the same purpose without adding to an already over cluttered forum....( i counted close to 70 sections already )
i mean really what the hell is next , a special section called " cooking with heat " ?
You are a hard to please fellow.
You complain about the forum taking non-smoking related topics. However I remember you posting on one of my rib threads something like "what's to talk about ribs, anyone can cook ribs". So smoked ribs, a traditional bbq item, do not have their place on this forum according to you. You also dismissed cranky's blade sharpening thread, although it was related to sausage making, a subject you enjoy too.
Like others have said, no one is forcing you to read these threads.
There are plenty of pure-100℅ active threads in SMF. Nothing there interests you?
I wish you would bring more positive participation: smokes, advice, opinion on bbq-ing. Being just opiniated is not cool.
Looking forward to bbq and smoking posts from you.
(1) I'm not complaining , just giving my own opinion
(2) i did not "dismiss" crankys thread about sharpening grinder plate's ( i just stated that for me is was to much work for the small expense )
what i do see on this forum is the same that happens on a lot of other forum and that is a handful of "self proclaimed experts " complicating the
hell out of something that's very old and relatively simple "smoking meat" smoking meat is NOT , never has BEEN and never will be COMPLICATED
and anyone that tries to make it so is only is only looking to massage their own ego
this is MY opinion ,agree with it or not , but i have the same right to it just as anyone on here does theirs
if you recall, what brought me to this forum was that i had long been interested in making
my own "smoked sausage " i had 0 knowledge of it or the equipment required , so i asked a question,and
i did get the information i was seeking
however i did have to sift through a mile of BS to get it
then i later asked which stuffer was the best or at least a good one , this was a huge mistake
waaaay to many opinions i ended up asking the wife to pick one from the ones on amazon
she picked one solely by color and did as well if not better than any of the ones that had been recommend
the way i see things is that a little information is a good thing
to much information is garbage
I guess I'll have to take mine out of the box soon...Ill get it built today or tomorrow. Stay tuned.