Has anyone tried this? I'm thinking about using the 22" Weber kettle to cold smoke some bacon. Any advice, tips or pics?
I have two organic hogs being butchered and I have the fresh sides(Bellies, Bacon that I have to cold smoke) first there is the hickory apple/peach/maple smoke then there is the what type of smoker and cold smoker am I going to use, the other cuts I sell and the pit masters do their thing. I have spent 2yrs breeding and raising these hogs this bacon is very expensive and labor intensive for a beginner to smoke. I will leave the organic pork in the freezer get some cheaper fresh sides and start smoking,any suggestions?
Both of these are techniques that I have used successfully in the Weber 22"
You could pipe in your smoke through the bottom grill vents?
I tend to cold smoke meats overnight to help keep the chamber temps down.
Gotta confess that I am new to curing but this reads like a treasure trove of info to me. Thanks Mr. Dave.As far as suggestions go..... First..... weigh everything on a grams scale.... probably need 2.... one for pounds over 1# up to 50 or so... #2 a grams scale for weighing cure and spices etc... 0- 500 grams will do....
Weigh the pork, weigh the water... add salt, sugar and cure... salt I use approx. 2%.... sugar I use approx. 1%... cure I use 120 Ppm to "no skin" bellies or shoulder "butts" when making bacon... Then when you taste the finished product, you can make educated adjustments to satisfy your taste.... using a "reduced" cure amount like I do is called "equilibrium" curing/brining... it takes longer in the brine, 15-30 days minimum, but the product is consistent... Never too much salt, or cure or sugar.... everything in the bucket comes to equilibrium... You can't screw it up... Be sure to thoroughly clean EVERYTHING so you aren't adding any "unwanted" stuff.... I wipe EVERYTHING down with vinegar to kill all bacteria before adding stuff to the bucket... If you have any "unwanted" guests, you could end up with "ropey" brine, which is not a problem but you have to dump the brine and make new and rinse the belly...