The cost of charcoal production is between $6 and $14 per ton. That's 1/3 to 2/3's of a CENT per pound of charcoal.
The cheapest prices per pound right now are running roughly 38 cents per pound, or 54 to 127 times the cost of production. Granted, there's cost associated with packaging, delivery, storage, and point of sale, but I still like to save money so I can spend the savings on something fun.
Prior to the turd of year 2020, sales were common in the 19 to 25 cents per pound range starting in the spring, then again on MD, July 4th, and LD. 40 lbs of HD Embers sold for $7.98 to $9.98 on sale, or 20 to 25 cents per pound. I'd stock up.
Buying one 2-pak at full price is no big deal. Buying 10-12 2-paks, the savings would buy me some new BBQ accessory, sharpening stone, or cooking toy!